Monday, March 4, 2024

Am I Communicatively Challenged?

In the first year of this blog, something caused me to question whether I can actually write (particularly for the purpose of this Pokémon blog). Now, a string of happenings has caused me to question whether I can actually communicate, which would include writing on here, and I'm prompted to write about that in a post. This post is effectively a "sequel" to that earlier post, only a little broader in scope; specifically, it deals with any form of communication - including but not limited to writing - and how that relates to the Pokémon things I deal with.

Even going further back, I've always had some trouble with communication, with or without involvement of Pokémon. I've misinterpreted certain things when I bring them back out, I've struggled with words to the point that some people seem to feel the need to "put words in my mouth", and I've said wrong things without intent or by oversight. It can be imagined that some of these involve vital things or relations, which makes the trouble mount. The worst thing that could happen is if this occurs with communication regarding Pokémon.

This blog has been running for a very long time now, much longer than at the point of the previous post, and there's bound to have been more mistakes since that time. I'm also involved in more in-person happenings now, which also increases the potential for mistakes. While some of them may reflect my inadequacies when it comes to Pokémon, others may potentially highlight my inadequacies in general communication. Likewise, I apologize for anything that may have occurred and would like to make amends for them if at all possible.

Yet with all the communicative mishaps that have occurred in some way, the question in the title still stands to be addressed. If I am communicatively challenged, it may be that I possess a mental condition that leaves me in this state as a downside, but left me with my great interest in Pokémon on the upside. It might seem a little wild yet it does not escape the realm of possibilities. If I am discovered to have such a condition, then I would know about it and may have to discuss it here as well for the sake of completeness.

For as long as I deal with Pokémon, which is expected to be for as long as I'm around, I will have to deal with the matter of its communication to others. It's never an easy matter for anyone and it certainly hasn't been easy for this Pokémon fan either, whose problems with communication seem to be more pronounced (ahem). It also seems odd that I seem to have problems with communication yet possess a blog where lots of communication is made. That said, it's something to deal while I continue to deal with Pokémon.

Two years ago: Recent New Unite Facets
Five years ago: A Mew Pouch
Seven years ago: Two Pokémon Notebooks

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