Monday, March 25, 2024

Who's on Who's Side?

Everybody's playing the game
But nobody's rules are the same
Nobody's on nobody's side
Better learn to go it alone
Recognize you're out on your own
Nobody's on nobody's side...
-- "Nobody's Side", from Chess (originally sung by Elaine Paige)

There's a recent development in Pokémon Go PvP that I'm still trying to make heads and tails of, so I'm obviously not ready to make a post (or posts) on it. Yet I've been observant of the situation surrounding the development, and while it's not exactly bad, it's not exactly in the best state it could be either. Without explicating what it is just yet, I'd like to describe its situation, and for that, I'm also enlisting the above song as it is in a way an illustration of what's going on. 

First and foremost is the situation itself. A great deal of Trainers have gotten into this new development, so it has gained some momentum. That momentum has not all been good, however, as there have been some snags in participation and execution by the Trainers who are respectively involved on either end. Thus far, the results of those snags have been mediocre at best and confounding at worst, possibly leaving some to wonder whose side they're actually on.

Certainly, that becomes the lead-in to the above song. It's one of many from a concept album that became a musical and it joins the others I've brought up on this blog. The song may be considered the theme of one of its characters, whose attachment becomes divided between two parties - thus, being on "nobody's side" - and only the character can make sense of the situation. Even so, the character and others move and act in their own ways, so no one is truly "aligned".

It seems that in relation to the Trainers in the PvP situation, they all will have to make sense of it in their own ways - and then do the same with respect to others, since there is actually a necessary alignment here. Being an observer of it for now, I'm also taking it in and making sense of it, fortunately not as an "early adopter". Everybody here is still playing Pokémon Go and may have their own interests, yet some "rules" may have to be adjusted for things to work out generally.

While I'm still trying to take in the situation, what remains true is that I still stand by Pokémon, more specifically particular affairs like Pokémon Go PvP, if a related "side" song is of any indication. It may take a bit more time for things to work out and the question in the title to be answered, furthermore for me personally and my dealing with the situation on this blog. When that happens, other sides may just become apparent, and I may or may not be standing alone for it.

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