Saturday, March 2, 2024

Cosplay+Pokémon Go: Pikachu's Indonesia Journey in Bali

Me: Surprise!!

Goh: [gasp] You two actually made it!

Me: We did - but unfortunately not without a problem (more on that soon). Anyway, this is a Pokémon Go paid event, but I've decided to up the ante by sending Ash as well.

Ash: I can tell this is going to be really great!

Pikachu: Pi pika chu! ["Very, very nice!"]

Ash: OK, so what will I be doing today?

Me: Well, you'll be catching, raiding, evolving, all the usual stuff. But there are a few things I want you to look out for today.

Ash: What are they?

Me: So, you'll want to look out for Pikachu with special balloons, Pikachu with a special shirt, and Latias and Latios with a card image behind them.

Goh: Oh, those are neat. They must be only gotten here.

Me: Indeed. Other than that, we might be able to let some stuff slide. For this event, we also have some special appearances in the wild, a few familiar faces in raids, a Collection Challenge, and things to do with Professor Willow.

Ash: Mmm, that's a lot.

Me: If that's a lot, then there are also bonuses of extra Special Trades, eight hour Incense, extra free raid passes, more Team Go Rocket balloons, a special souvenir, and photo bombs by Latias and Latios. But you may or may not get all of them, and that's fine.

Ash: I understand.

Goh: Well, what was the place of the event like?

Ash: It was a really big park in the middle of a city!

Goh: There must have been a lot of people.

Ash: There were - Trainers, visitors, and officials.

Me: At this point, I should say that Pokémon Go was just one part of it. A lot of Pokémon things were involved.

Goh: So... It was PFJ all over again, but this time at a park.

Me: Not completely at the park. Some were at a mall across town... but Ash wouldn't really have time for that.

Ash: I see what you mean.

Pikachu: Pika pika chu. ["It wasn't going to work."]

Goh: Well, how'd you do with the Pokémon Go stuff?

Ash: I got a lot of the Pikachu with special balloons and the shirt. It looks spiffy.

Me: The shirt is made from a fabric called batik. It's made with traditional techniques and it often looks traditional too - but in modern times you can make it look like anything, even Pokémon.

Goh: Oh, I think I see it! There is Pikachu on there, and there's a Poké Ball too.

Ash: I do too. That's neat.

Me: In any case, the Pikachu with the balloons and the shirt will be good gifts for my other friends.

Ash: Then I got three Latios and one Latias with the card image.

Goh: Looking at it, I read about the legend of the Eon Pokémon - these two - and the monument in the card could totally belong there.

Ash: I think we found the Eon Island here.

Me: You know, I think that was the point. 

Ash: Oh, I also got through the Collection Challenge and I just needed to catch three more Pikachu for the stuff that Professor Willow asked me to do.

Me: That's great! Don't worry about what's left - I'll take care of that.

Ash: I left Incense of many hours for you. And let's see - I got to trade something, I didn't get the souvenir, and I got the photo bombs.

Me: Well, I trust you did what you could. That's a pretty good haul.

Goh: So, I read that the event lasts two days. What can Ash do on the second day?

Me: Nothing, except for other Pokémon stuff. It's one Trainer, one day. It's the norm for many of these events.

Goh: I see. What would Ash miss on the second day?

Me: Not much, besides the things he didn't get to do today... and a popular idol group.

Goh: Oh! I'm feeling it's going to be crowded then.

Me: I'm absolutely sure you're right. That's a good reason to not stick around.

Ash: Oh yeah! I didn't get to play the fair games or buy goodies for you because of catching Pokémon and all. But I did get a special card and cap, and got to see the Pikachu parade many times.

Goh: Neat!

Me: Great stuff. Also, Ash needs to rush back for something tomorrow, and I'm making sure it happens as quickly as possible.

Ash: It should turn out all right! ...Unlike yesterday when you got me here.

Me: That was the problem. And let me guess, the way you got there was turbulent.

Ash: Yeah...

Pikachu: Pika pika... ["It was a mess..."]

Me: I'm really sorry about that. Next time something like this happens, I'll try to find a better way.

Goh: At least Ash got through it just fine.

Ash: I did!

Me: Luckily, or I might have needed to answer to certain not so pretty things.

Goh: Phew!

Me: By the way, I sent Ash with his Journeys outfit. It may or may not have been popular.

Ash: One or two people might've been interested! But the rest were just normal.

Goh: It was again just like PFJ, wasn't it?

Ash: You could say that.

Me: Yeah, it seems that Pokémon characters were never meant to be, even if they fit in. That may be more for pop culture conventions than events like this.

Goh: I have a feeling that's what's going on tomorrow.

Ash: Um...

Pikachu: Pi... ["Um..."]

Me: Well, looks like we might have the answer for that then.

Two years ago: Pokémon Go Tour: Johto
Five years ago: Winds of Changing Teams
Six years ago: Pikachu Cable Holder
Seven years ago: Love My Life - Pokémon Too

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