Friday, March 29, 2024

New Gatherings for Blessings and Success

Me: Remember a few years ago when there were two gatherings I sent you to for some noble goals?

Ash: Hey yeah! I remember those.

Pikachu: Pika chu. ["Of course."] 

Me: Well, they happened again this year, only somewhat differently.

Goh: How different?

Me: For starters, we have you, Goh, today - that wasn't the case back then. The place is also different: there are actually two of them, but still in the same area as each other. And the people are different too.

Goh: It's not the same group of people, I take it.

Me: Goh has this figured out. The group of people Ash was with back then had unfortunately broke up when the world had a downturn years ago. And... I regret to say, the place from back then also closed up.

Ash: Oh no!

Goh: My regrets.

Me: But, things change, and now we have a different group embracing us, and we in turn embrace them.

Goh: Well, isn't that a great thing?

Ash: Yeah!

Pikachu: Pi pika? ["Isn't it?"]

Me: Anyway, we'd better get to talking about those gatherings. The first one happened a week ago - last Saturday, to be precise.

Ash: You sent me there. It looked like a mini festival that Bocchi Noizu sometimes holds.

Goh: Well, if it was the same people in the same place...

Ash: It was, from the MCP thing.

Goh: There you go.

Me: I was actually a bit mixed up about sending you there, but in the interest of blessings, I got you there anyway.

Goh: So, I think I can tell what it had. Entertainment?

Ash: Mini games, a mini band, a dancer, and a singer. Oh, there was a dance group that performed for the first time.

Goh: That sounded nice. Character parade?

Ash: There was one, and I got in with my Kanto Johto outfit like a few weeks ago.

Goh: What happened then?

Ash: Hey, I got a judge favorite award!

Me: OK - well, it's not exactly "redemption" for that time, but it's a bit of a success anyway.

Ash: And... one of the MCs was a Snorlax!

Pikachu: Chu, pi pika! ["What a sight!"]

Goh: That must be the missing one from back then.

Ash: I think so.

Me: That first gathering did have lots of blessings after all too - a good thing I sent you.

Goh: What about the second one?

Me: That would be... today! A friend offered to bring Ash, so you got there.

Ash: I did! This time it was in the place next to MCP.

Goh: You know, I get the feeling these two places share gatherings and festivals often.

Me: You have a good point. They do, don't they?

Ash: But this one was different! It seemed like a bunch of communities actually gathering up.

Me: That's exactly the point. It's more of a party to meet with others and pass the time... kind of like something that happened years ago also at around this time of year with the "break".

Goh: I guess it makes sense people letting loose because of the "break".

Ash: It got really lively at night, just like the other gathering.

Pikachu: Pika pika chu. ["It was so nice."]

Goh: Anything else that was similar?

Ash: The communities had performances... and I got drafted to sing!

Goh: That had to be good. Did our friend suggest anything for Ash to sing?

Me: Well, I sent Ash with the Journeys outfit, but I thought he could practice an old song... like "Advanced Adventure" - and then sing "Mezase Pokémon Master" afterwards. How'd you do?

Ash: It was fine. It's been so long since you wanted me to sing it, and I think I can get even more used to it.

Me: Great! We'll practice it some more, and we'll think about putting it in competition again.

Goh: Who were the communities? Bocchi Noizu is one of them, surely.

Ash: Oh, there were five others - they're all fans of different things, like how our friend likes Pokémon.

Goh: OK, I get you. I guess it's like Utsuru on a personal level.

Ash: And just like the other day, there was a character parade too.

Me: Oh, you got in! Tell me how you did.

Ash: Didn't win this time, but that's OK. Singing and being in the parade was fun enough.

Me: So we can call that blessings, even without a lot of success.

Goh: I mean, Ash was literally invited as a guest anyway, so things just happen the way they do.

Ash: You're so right, Goh.

Pikachu: Pika. ["Indeed."]

Me: Comparing things to what they were, I think there have been even more blessings since that time, even if the successes may not be apparent.

Goh: Changes too.

Me: And you're a testament to that.

Ash: Like you said back then - you kept on sending me everywhere and now we get the blessings.

Me: It doesn't take gatherings during a "break" to prove that; here's to more of that begetting more successes.

Seven years ago: Pokémon Mechanical Fan

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