Tuesday, March 12, 2024

What Lurks in the Pokémon Night

Many of my posts on this blog - OK, most of them, including many recent ones - are or were made in the night and even leading up to the morning. For some, it could be a spooky time (regardless of a certain specific time of year), especially if weather conditions are involved. For others like me, who are "night owls", it may be the most comfortable time of the day, as long as one is also sequestered safely at home. Yet even then, there may be the consideration that some things are still present in the night, even Pokémon ones for those who sense them like me. With that in mind, it seems like something to be explored, to find out what does lurk in the night.

Every now and then, a shadow flies outside my window, which I'm certain is a Zubat -and sometimes, going out briefly to see confirms that it is as such. Intermittent clicking and yelping also leads me to believe that a Treecko is present somewhere close by, and at the right moments, I can in fact spot it outside, gripping a wall much like one did a glass in the Detective Pikachu movie. Faint buzzing sounds also tell me that Venomoth are present outside, and it's all I can do to keep them at bay. Other faint sounds might be more indicative of something more typical as Kricketot, though there is a lack of affirmation for this; then, there is always the concern that Rattata, specifically of the Alolan form, might manifest itself right outside my door. Evidently, a lot of things (Pokémon) could lurk outside in the night.

Perhaps what ties all of these together is the whispering sounds that they make, and that leads me to register a certain piece of music by Yanni, titled appropriately enough, "Whispers in the Night". They're the whispers that I can't keep quiet no matter what I do, and that's completely fine as they continue to lurk. The music itself, though, has a romantic sound to it, and that might be considered indicative of the other "whispers", that of Trainers to one another or to and from their Pokémon. They're something that I sometimes wish I could hear as a bit of a reassurance that there is still something of Pokémon out there for me and everyone else who remains a fan today. The remnant sounds of those whispers seem to be embodied in the piece of music.

And it is those whispers, Pokémon or otherwise, that continue to accompany me and my Pokémon wanderings throughout the night, particularly during the writing of many of these posts. That will likely not change for many posts in the future, given that I'm always observing Pokémon happenings throughout the day before I put my thoughts in a post. So too the whispers won't change much as I listen to them, but at least they might just provide some indications for writing future posts, including this exact one, making them still one with my Pokémon experience.

Five years ago: Beta Testing
Six years ago: Taking the Go Train

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