Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Let's Go and Activate Adventure Effects

Pokémon Go Tour this year (and the lead-up to it) has been significant for different reasons, yet one of the most significant would be a feature introduced at that time. That feature is called "Adventure Effects", and as can be discerned, the feature does affect one's Pokémon Go adventure in vastly different and even radical ways. Those are also the reasons why they need to be covered in a separate post, moreover because they have intricacies of their own, and this post serves to explain and cover that.

In its current iteration, the Adventure Effects pertain to the "signature moves" of Dialga and Palkia, being Roar of Time and Spacial Rend respectively, also introduced in Pokémon Go at the same time. The former creates a time distortion and halts the timers of common "boost" items while activated, while the latter creates a space distortion and increases the encounter distance for Pokémon in the wild. Both of these are significant as they can allow more Pokémon to be encountered and caught, even under the constraints of items and freedom of movement.

To activate an Adventure Effect, one brings up a Pokémon that knows either move as mentioned, goes to the Adventure Effects section, and taps the "Use" button, setting a multiplier for how long the Adventure Effect should be active before confirming its use. The action consumes the indicated amount of Stardust and Candy of the respective Pokémon and activates the Adventure Effect for the indicated length of time. Only one Adventure Effect may be active at a time, so one must be wise in using it, never mind how much Stardust and how many Candies to be spent on it.

As for usage scenarios, Roar of Time obviously works best when any or even all of the common "boost" items are active and something is needed due to certain circumstances - particularly time-based activations like a friend opening a Gift - to hold the timers before they expire. Spacial Rend might be more commonly used since it doesn't implicate "boost" items to be active, and could be used to seek out hard-to-find Pokémon or check them out from a greater distance away. Since both have their uses, one should have both of them from Go Tour earlier this year.

Could other Pokémon (and by implication, other moves) have Adventure Effects, at least at a later time? If the "Pledge" moves ever come into being in Pokémon Go, there could be a chance that they may have a minor Adventure Effect, changing Pokémon appearances to suit the type of the "Pledge" moves for however long it would take. There might be a minor issue of (determining) exclusivity for the Pokémon species that would be able to learn these moves, but that should be resolved prior to the selected species being able to learn the moves and gain the effect powers.

Undeniably, there's a certain great significance that Adventure Effects have, which would be the realization of the "field move" concept in a certain way. It's also significant that the initial realization involves two of the most unique moves, also powerful in their own ways, for two very unique Pokémon. Like the first step to a great adventure, the concept has a great pioneering effect, and the effects (that may just expand later on) will continue to be felt throughout Pokémon Go and the adventures Trainers will have.

Four years ago: Tell Me Why, My Brother
Six years ago: Bipeds and Quadrupeds
Seven years ago: Ride the Pokémon

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