Saturday, March 23, 2024

My Essential Orbs in Mystery Dungeon

I rarely write about Pokémon Mystery Dungeon, but that's also because most of what I understand is confined to older games (prior to the Super version) and I still need to re-review Gates to Infinity as the last installment I played. Yet I can still share my views on some aspects, like the one for this post. Items called "Orbs" are known to be featured in the games, and they're not only useful but also downright essential. As such, I'd like to share some of the Orbs that I like to use and what I consider important in that regard.

The main Orb that I always need to have when I venture in the dungeons is the Escape Orb. It helps in the completion of missions, notably a series of them in the same dungeon, without having to go through the entire dungeon. It also allows me to focus on other objectives, get them done, and then quickly leave. As well, if a situation of extreme emergency arises, it becomes my last resort, after which I can try again. Obviously, its usage scenarios are many and varied, especially when I'm in a pinch, so having one in possession is beyond essential.

Then, I also have a couple of Orbs to deal with possible yet pesky Monster Houses. One of them is the Warp Orb, and the other is the Petrify Orb. The latter is useful if I want to deal with the Monster Houses in a controlled manner, or at the least keep the monsters in one place while not having to deal with them. The former is useful if I really don't want to deal with the Monster Houses, or do want to deal with the monsters only as I try to make my way to the stairs - which could be a bit chaotic, but it could regardless work. Thus, both have their uses.

Other Orbs are non-essential but useful to have. I like the Trapbust Orb in a dire situation where there is an excess of traps and they need to be cleared right then and there. I also like the Stairs Orb for its capability to reveal a way out for when things get too dicey. Both of these Orbs are relatively rare, which leads me to prefer duplicates of the other Orbs mentioned above, or whatever Orbs could be gained conveniently to supplement exactly those Orbs. So, the essential Orbs could also be quite circumstantial in nature.

Admittedly, it's been a while since I've picked up Pokémon Mystery Dungeon, and sometimes it goes through my head. Yet I also store thoughts like these that may be helpful for others who want to pick up Mystery Dungeon and may just need useful pointers like these on one of the absolutely essential points in the game and what I can offer regarding them. It's a "retro" understanding in that it may mostly apply to the older games as per my situation above, but that could still be useful as well.

Two years ago: Crazy for Pinap Berries
Six years ago: The "Generals"
Seven years ago: Pokémon Food... For Us

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