Wednesday, March 27, 2024

On Pokémon Valuables

Every so often, I'm reminded that Pokémon has elements that add richness to its world. One such element literally and figuratively does that by way of how they fit in. That would be what I call "valuables", items that have currency value in their own right but aren't usable for anything else - in other words, they can only be sold for money. Of course, they may have other significances now, but their "valuables" aspect is the first thing they're known for - and still is among fans.

Of these items, the ones that might be more in vogue in recent times are Stardust and Star Piece. These items have meager and mid-range selling prices in the main series games, but what they're known for today is as the substantive "currency" in Pokémon Go and the item to increase the earned amounts of that "currency" from the various means of earning that currency. In a way, their place is solidified in Pokémon lore as something that has value and/or gives that value for Pokémon needs.

Then, there are four items that have distinct species connections: Tiny Mushroom, Big Mushroom, Pearl, and Big Pearl. The former two are distinctively associated with the Paras species family, while the latter two are closely associated with species that carry their own pearls, as Spoink and Clamperl. Likewise, these items have minor and major selling prices for the small and big items respectively. What's more, they also establish the particular Pokémon species as having value.

Perhaps most famously, there is the Nugget, being the first recognized item of these kinds of items. Its selling price is significant - as far as it goes when it came about - so Trainers needed to seek the item and then sell it for money they can use for other items. It too is also significant for lending its name to the Nugget Bridge north of Cerulean City as the first place one can obtain this item, and in turn, the place itself has other significances as well. Thus, it too continues to have a place for itself.

Like in the real world, sometimes Trainers will need to seek out riches to continue their journey, and any or all of these items may be necessary for that purpose. Certainly, the other purpose of these "valuables" is to show that the world of Pokémon has some things going to make its world rich - in both figurative quality and literal value. Coupled with the other significant qualities beyond their original appearances, they add value to the way things measure up in the Pokémon world.

Five years ago: Ingress and Out
Six years ago: Pokémon in Common Terms

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