Saturday, March 9, 2024

Winds of Changing Unite Teams

Many years ago, I wrote a post about prospects of changing teams in Pokémon Go, and elements and/or remnants of those prospects still linger, albeit more in the background and less in the forefront when the method for it was first realized. Now I want to discuss about changing teams in the "next door" game of Pokémon Unite. While teams in (for) this game don't exist in the same sense as Pokémon Go, even internally, there's still a certain dynamic to this aspect of Pokémon Unite that is worth telling to some extent.

It is plainly obvious that teams here are more numerous, since they're not merely a "label" as with Pokémon Go and they can almost readily identify the players. On the prevailing currents, it may be that the names of the teams themselves don't change (much), but the members itself may change, possibly among each other much like certain sports teams. On the undercurrents, it may be that both are dynamic and/or fluid, changing when the occasion demands it and sometimes in a major way as well.

Pokémon Unite is a kind of MOBA game, but it's somewhat different than other games of its kind. It may be for this reason that some teams may not want to have the same affiliation to this game than as they do to a different choice MOBA game, or are pressured to not have such an affiliation. At that point, change will certainly occur for the teams in question for the names, members, or both. A loose connection could of course be maintained, but that may be all that is maintained - or at least the memory of it.

Locally, it had come to my attention that a certain "conglomerate" of many Pokémon Unite teams - of which a couple of my Unite fellows are associated with - had changed its "conglomerate" label. The teams now exist in a different manner as well, though my fellows continue to be associated with them. This could be taken as an example of changes in the undercurrents, especially given the still-lower relative popularity of Pokémon Unite, though this may change as well should it gain further popularity.

Considering the theme I posed in the title of this post, then, the winds of change do blow among teams for Pokémon Unite, but certainly with different intensities than those for Pokémon Go. They seemingly also manifest themselves differently for teams of different scales and in different places. Whatever the case, given the nature of teams for the game, the prospects may just present themselves in different circumstances, and at that point, the winds may just blow to carry players off to a new Unite experience.

Two years ago: The Support of Fans
Four years ago: Toxic People and Fans
Six years ago: Father Figure?
Seven years ago: Tonight, We Honor the Hero

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