Saturday, March 30, 2024

The State of Nominations, Part 27

It's time, once again, to update the progress of my PokéStop nominations through Pokémon Go by way of Niantic Wayfarer. By now, it's a bimonthly process to account for the possibility of many things happening... or not, as the case may be sometimes. But then, that may also depend on the efforts by me and the rest of the Wayfarer support system, which means I can do so much before I can leave it up to the system to do its "so much" part. Those efforts are certainly part of this and the previous updates.

For that purpose, the primary matter is the numbers as usual. My Accepted nominations increased by 2 from last time to 120 and my Not Accepted nominations decreased by 2 to 64; this isn't much and is the result of having Appealed certain nominations, one of which is in that status. All other counts for decided nominations are also the same, likewise indicating not much in this regard. What is significant is that the undecided nominations increased to 26 (by 16), with 16 In Voting and 10 In Queue. I've certainly made progress on this and now Wayfarer can stand to do the same.

Aside from the numbers, I've also made other efforts by usage of the Wayfarer toolkit. I've had to make edits to the titles and descriptions of at least one nomination, and I've even had to withdraw one of them due to having set the location incorrectly - one of two things I can't edit even in Wayfarer, the other being the pictures. The nomination has since been redone, an advantage of having lots of slots available. I've also yet to upgrade (or mark one for this purpose) a nomination, but that may change as I have one nomination that could use it. That may have to be considered.

The next task for me may be working toward that upgrade while seriously considering marking that one nomination. Meanwhile, the recent increase in undecided nominations was caused by many being in certain "focus areas", and this may be a good approach for making more nominations in the future; I may be able to identify more during my Pokémon Go explorations. Of course, that may also depend on occasional serendipitous finds, which cannot be counted out either, but still need to be researched anyway. In short, things proceed as usual with focused adjustment.

Even with so much having been done to nominate more possible places to be made as waypoints for PokéStops, much more could stand to be done both by me and others using the Wayfarer toolkit and system. Thus, the progress of nominating them continues, along with the eager waiting for the results of nominations that have been made. The accounting of that progress is expected to continue to be as essential as the progress itself and all the possibilities that it just might present.

Five years ago: Lugia Raid Burnout

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