Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Let's Talk About A Break for the Light

Ash: Oh, we're talking today!

Me: Yes, we are.

Goh: Knowing you, you must have a good reason.

Pikachu: Pika chu pika. ["We'd like to know."]

Me: Sure. One good reason is that I'm (or things are) actually on a bit of a break or rest, and I may or may not be able to send Ash to anything.

Ash: Oh, like last year!

Goh: So, I guess the previous convention was the last one before this break.

Me: Pretty much. And we didn't get to address it then, so that's why we're talking about it today.

Goh: Makes sense. So that leaves the "light" part.

Me: So, for that part, I'd like to refer back to one personal experience.

Ash: I think I know what this was about.

Me: Yeah, I think you do. This was written when I was witnessing you "chase your light", the biggest one.

Ash: I thought so! Thank you.

Me: But if you think about it, "chasing the light" is a pretty common theme, in and out of this time of year. There's even a song about it where I am.

Goh: Well, based on what you wrote, it seems really nice. I appreciate that.

Ash: Yeah! We've got to thank you again.

Pikachu: Pika chu! ["Thanks a bunch!"]

Me: I can also give a couple more examples relating to you both. Goh, for one, has been seeking Mew for a long time, and if that's not pursuing a "light" in a way, then I don't know what is.

Goh: Absolutely! It's far from over, so I'll still be chasing its "light", wherever it could be.

Ash: I'm sure you'll find it!

Me: I am too. As for Ash, when Pikachu used (and learned) Volt Tackle, that must have been a bright sight for you - perhaps for us all.

Ash: I know it is. That was an amazing time.

Goh: Pikachu knows Volt Tackle, huh.

Pikachu: Pika! ["Sure do!"]

Ash: You've got to see it to believe it.

Me: Volt Tackle is surely a light for us all. Now, as with last year (any year, in fact), this break will last a little over a month.

Goh: What actually goes on during the break?

Me: Well, honestly, I can't say much about it since a lot of it doesn't really pertain to me, and that's also the entire reason why I just call this a "break" - let's just leave it at that.

Goh: Um... OK, I'll trust you.

Me: The only other thing that I can say is that for many people other than me, the "break" is also for chasing a certain kind of "light", in a way - hence the title of our discussion.

Goh: Can you believe that?

Ash: Hey, there's a lot of strange but wonderful things in our worlds, and I think this is one of them.

Goh: I guess if you think about it, we don't know about many of the strange but wonderful things in Pokémon either, so it goes both ways.

Me: But whatever happens, they're all still on the path of our ways of "chasing the light".

Ash: That's the spirit!

Pikachu: Pika. ["True."]

Ash: So we keep doing what we do, and we'll find the light when we get to it.

Goh: Yeah! We'll really have to see what happens.

Me: And so, our search for the light continues - even with a little bit of a respite.

Seven years ago: Every Day We're Shufflin

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