Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Continuity: Pokémon Presents, 2/27/2024

Before proceeding (continuing) with other Pokémon matters, it is necessary to address something from the recent past that I haven't addressed, moreover as usual. That would be the edition of Pokémon Presents from this year's Pokémon Day. And for this year's "anniversary edition", "continuity" seems to be an appropriate descriptor for the things contained therein, as they make progressions from existing Pokémon things. Perhaps for that reason, this edition is one of the shorter ones at only about 15 minutes or so, as it's "back to business" afterwards; it's that continued business that demands to be outlined.

The first order of continued business was commemorative additions for current games. The main series games had (or are getting) some supremely familiar additions, while Pokémon Go received facets based on the latest in the Pokémon anime. Pokémon Unite will be (or already is) due for some intense Pokémon additions from the most recent generations, and Pokémon Café Remix got celebratory outfits and a new way of getting the most-coveted things. Then, Pokémon Masters EX is due for some intense new heroics from certain characters, and Pokémon Sleep will be due for some Legendary visits for a "sleepover". They're all just as commemorative as they are "business as usual", so the continuity is evident to certain extents in them.

Next, there was continued business in the form of two new games that further certain realms. The first pertained to the TCG, with a new game called Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket; it itself is a continued collaboration with DeNA as the developer of Pokémon Masters (EX). As expected, it's a virtual and mobile implementation of the physical game much like the TCGL. What sets it apart, however, is trimmed gameplay and "immersive" cards - with artwork that literally comes to life; other than that, one will find oneself opening packs, building decks, and battling as expected by the TCG. The continued (ahem) playable fate of this game remains to be seen, but it appears to be a compact alternative for continuing one's dealings in the Pokémon TCG.

Saved for last, the second of the new games continue a recent innovative twist, and it's called Pokémon Legends Z-A. The preview for it as shown in this edition of Pokémon Presents detailed an "Urban Development Plan" for the future of a certain city in the round with branched and circular pathways as well as dense settlements, complete with a gleaming tower in the middle. This city is of course Lumiose City, and the region of concern is certainly Kalos... though if the first Legends game is of any indication, it will likely involve different designations for the same areas in a different time. As well, because of the "Z" in the title, it seems that Zygarde may be set for redemption with this game, but that too will have to be seen, especially with the "-A" suffix.

Continuity remains important in some aspects, and all aspects featured in the latest edition of Pokémon Presents as its "anniversary edition" demonstrated that in some way or another. Though there wasn't much in the way of duration in this edition, it was still solid as a no-frills edition for celebrating the Pokémon anniversary and then getting on - thus, continuing - with the businesses and things that the games of the franchise present, as the current ones featured here, while expecting the ones to come. That seems all well and good for any Pokémon fan who expects no less than to (continue to) make progress.

Two years ago: Made (Deep) in Obsidian
Six years ago: Being a Pokétaku
Seven years ago: I'm Swept Away

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