Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Can-Do with Pachirisu

I have a soft spot for a number of Pokémon species aside from popular and/or expected ones like Pikachu. One of those would be Pachirisu, the "mascot" or "signature" Electric-type species from the fourth generation. It's a rather squirrelly Pokémon with a distinct yet light coloration, either (or both) of which might explain why other fans and I are attracted to it. Even so, the reason for the attraction might have more to do with its capabilities, which can be described as a "can-do" matter.

As mentioned in that other post, many, many years ago, the Pokémon made a phenomenal appearance in VGC, where it became the "saving grace" - in a way - when it was used, to the surprise of many. When I think about VGC, I can't stop thinking about this happening, and it seems others can't either. It may be much less relevant today than when it first happened, but it still remains a testament to its "can-do" aspect and how that was reflected in that fortunate and now timeless happening.

Those who deal with Pokémon Go can also attest its "can-do" aspect in some instances of Great League PvP, which meant that the Pokémon had to be restricted or outright banned in certain theme formats in this area of PvP. This is despite the Pokémon being only regionally available - only in the Arctic - although this has been slightly lessened with it having been featured in certain recent events related to Sinnoh. Trainers may still need to be "can-do" about it in order for the Pokémon to be such as well.

More recently, the Pokémon had also entered Café Remix, where it appears occasionally through (and is obtained from) the delivery feature. It's also a surprisingly capable Pokémon on the order (puzzle) playfield, with a wide-reaching skill effect that in some cases can clear things in one go, especially if it was obtained at the start of the stage due to the Pokémon being of at least Outfit Grade 2. Those who have this Pokémon can and should take advantage of its evidently "can-do" capability here.

Pachirisu might not seem to be a significant Pokémon species, aside from it being considered a "mascot" or "signature" species as above. Yet the way that it has made strides in certain Pokémon games shows that it has a "can-do" aspect about it, which some fans may only be happy to take advantage of to make themselves as "can-do" as the Pokémon has made itself apparent. In the process, it's one species that can earn the soft spot of many fans, including yours truly.

Two years ago: ASMR with Pokémon
Three years ago: All I Can Do, with You
Four years ago: Sad Music from Kanto
Five years ago: A Girl and a Fan
Six years ago: The Place to Be

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