Sunday, February 25, 2024

Pokémon Go Tour: Sinnoh (feat. Hisui)

For the first time in years, I can finally discuss Pokémon Go Tour on the day (weekend) it actually takes place and not some days later - in fact, as the month turns over - as I'm open to do so today even given past years' posts (see below). But then, that is somewhat of a priority more so than certain patterns, unless they're also of vital importance, so all is still well. In any case, there is a lot of ground to cover, and thus the post is of the essence.

As has been previewed, the now-annual event goes on with the fourth (next) region in line, Sinnoh. Yet it is also known by another name that reflects its past, which would be Hisui. So in true form, both regions are actually represented - also evident in the gallery in the Events tab. This too was true for the Live edition last week in Los Angeles, which featured much of the similar content as the Global event weekend, only rearranged and modified for that purpose as in the typical fashion of similar in-person events with associated bonuses and perks. Anyhow, this Global event weekend is mainly pertinent for this post.

In similar fashion as previous years, much of the content was organized in habitats, four of them in hourly succession repeated once over from 10 AM to 6 PM. They are Bustling Boardwalk, Ancient Grove, Toxic Digs, and Geothermal Lagoon, in order; they are also similar to last year as they are theme-based rather than geography-based. What is unlike past years is that Collection Challenges were completely absent, giving Trainers absolute freedom to catch whatever they desire, need, or can muster. They still likely needed to check on everything for Shiny forms and catch them too if so desired or necessary, as some Pokémon only made their Shiny form debuts this weekend.

Research also remains a mainstay of the framework. Field Research had encounter tasks for each habitat that mostly involved powering up Pokémon of specific types to encounter more of them. Timed Research had three "photo safari" sets for each of the "Lake Trio" species (Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf), which appeared in the wild every so often to be photographed for another encounter of them with certain capture, as well as a Party Play set requiring Trainers to form Parties and complete Party Challenges to encounter Regigigas. Special Research involved a set of tasks dealing with the recovery of both Professor Willow and Giovanni, thus also partially guided by the Team Go Rocket Leaders, also becoming a follow-up from the Road to Sinnoh, including its version selection; the customary Masterwork Research, the only pertinently important paid item for this Global event weekend, was also present.

The realm of raids remained the main venue for the duality of this region (time and space), as both Dialga and Palkia are present, in their "common" forms during the Bustling Boardwalk and Toxic Digs habitats and newly in their Origin Formes during the Ancient Grove and Geothermal Lagoon habitats, representing the "space-time anomaly" that brings out the Hisui region. One-star and three-star raids followed suit accordingly, with the starters and fully evolved forms respectively, for both regions. As with last year, it is obvious that the primary interest is of the two Legendary Pokémon, and in this case their Origin Formes, as raiding both rewarded encounters with them possessing their "signature moves" - Roar of Time and Spacial Rend - guaranteed for the chosen version and by chance otherwise.

Eggs, as with last year, had allocations of regional Pokémon in 10 km ones, certainly to be hatched with the aid of the half distance bonus. Those activating Incense also had periodic encounters with Unown of letters of both regions, and specific to the Pokémon encounters of each habitat were Pikachu with caps of the main player Trainer characters, while Routes also had encounters with white-striped Basculin. Music based on the relevant main series games also played during the relevant moments of the event. Meanwhile, most other aspects of the Global event were or had been introduced over the course of the Live edition as well as the prior Road to Sinnoh event, including a significant new feature pertinent to the Legendary Pokémon with their "signature moves" - so significant, in fact, that it has to be explained separately and later on.

Not unlike last year, this year's edition is essentially free, especially by having partaken in the Road to Sinnoh event as above, completing its Special Research set. Though the absence of Collection Challenges made things even less of a premium and more open-ended, in a way befitting its unpaid nature, it still retained quite a bit of what had defined it in previous years, particularly as a "winter" version of Pokémon Go Tour. As with last year, anything extra to enhance the event experience - likewise by necessity for the lucky ones at the Live edition last week - may have been the things that absolutely required payment, but that also depended on personal preference for the things to be gained this weekend.

On that note, I focused on raids this weekend but only got one Shiny form, luckily for Dialga as my chosen version was Diamond. All Research sets, Timed and Special, were completed on the first day, leaving the second day free for whatever else I might have needed, while also catching as many Pokémon as possible. Also as with past years, my Shiny haul was relatively minimal yet still meaningful, some also being unexpected. All this was coupled by meeting many friends over the weekend to do things together - raid, catch, walk, and so on - making the weekend that much more exciting.

Much is still pertinent to the content and execution of Pokémon Go Tour, even with the event having developed since its first incarnation three years ago. That's even more true for this edition, which featured one region with two faces seen through the dual realms of space and time. The challenge for Trainers during this event may have been harnessing the powers of both... and continuing to do so with whatever Pokémon Go brings.

Five years ago: Meeting of the Minds

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