Friday, February 16, 2024

Furthering Family Affairs

Continuing with another "answer post", this time I've decided to explore a Pokémon Go happening with other pertinent Pokémon connections. It was a few years ago that I made an observation regarding some of its Trainers in my local area, as their familial relationships. Fast forward to today, that has expanded: there are now a few more families (or rather, their bunch) playing, and they form practically complete (nuclear) ones with both parents and children, certainly each as their own Trainer with own accounts. It's a fascinating sight - by certain reports, even to other communities - and that's something to regard for the game and beyond.

Their interests in the game (and Pokémon in general) seem validated, given how they follow the processes with at least some enthusiasm and carry that over to a few other Pokémon things, like merchandise. Yet continuance is always a problem, as I've been a witness to certain extended family members who had played in the past and now have essentially dropped out. This last matter is certainly something difficult to expand upon at the moment, but even with possibly fleeting interests, the above is indeed an impressive sight, as I had postulated prior. How Pokémon Go or other Pokémon things can make those interests less fleeting and more continuing may be a matter that depends on meanings attached to the enthusiasm they possess.

Earlier, I also mentioned about the aspect of generations, and that implies the aspect of wisdom and knowledge. In observing the way they play, I've noticed that some of them, both kids and adults alike, seem to have not been "enlightened" about certain aspects of the game (such as XP from increased friendship levels). While this may be a matter for them to discover themselves, there is also the concern that they may not be taking in the knowledge about the game and eventually its wisdom. Some instilling may still be needed before they too can instill others.

For as long as there is Pokémon, there will always be interested fans - and likely families of them as well, if the above is of any indication. The challenge may be to maintain that interest and to be able to supplement that with the necessary knowledge and wisdom, whether it's  for Pokémon Go as above or as they gravitate or branch out to other Pokémon games and aspects. Still, Pokémon families are exceptional in and of themselves for the unity brought to the fandom.

Five years ago: Romancing the Ball

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