Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Valentine's Day 2024: Pick What You Love

So it is that the occasion of Valentine's Day comes around with love, romance, or whatever's in the air to indicate a relationship. Like last year, I've opted to discuss it with a theme, and today of all days in my local area coincides with a time of picking and choosing, much like five years ago but at an earlier point in the year. That element is chosen (ahem) as part of the theme, along with the other elements mentioned above, and certainly with inclusion of Pokémon as the overarching part of the theme that ties it to this blog and me.

It was a long time ago that I chose to go down the Pokémon path - the "Buneary hole", even - and I've never looked back. All the games that I played were then the results of choices, which themselves present even more choices, not all of them turning out for the better. But for all their results, there has been something to love with each one, furthering my connections and attractions with Pokémon. So too this is true for all the non-game aspects of Pokémon, which have been shaped with similar choices and have resulted in increased connections, even though at times they also didn't turn out great.

Other things that I deal with are also the results of choices, although they may be considered not as important as the ones I make for Pokémon things. Yet there are still elements of attraction within them (confer my post from two years ago below), and that's just part of the natural course of things. That natural course, though, still leads me back to Pokémon, and as far as I'm concerned, that means more pickings to be made for the best of things within and outside of this regard.

As for today, my process of making choices - multiple ones, similar to the ones made five years ago - were slightly hampered, perhaps by other choices that were (forced to be) made, some unfortunate and not on my end. It also decided a Pokémon matter that could have been better decided if that process had gone better. While the matter was slightly rectified later in the afternoon, I also chose not to spend too much (at the moment) to rectify it further. Evidently, the last matter above was realized, and the hope may be that future choices by me and others will make things as attractive as possible.

The fact of the matter is that choices are a part of both real life and Pokémon life, and it's quite possible to find attractions every which way - in my case, with Pokémon being involved. On this auspicious (or special) day, attractions are especially highlighted, and it may take some fortunate choices to realize that... if the happenings in my local area are of any indication. After having picked Pokémon many, many years ago and becoming attracted to it, it is only fair to consider that picking what one loves (or will love) is still a splendid thing.

Happy pickings for attractive things, and Happy Valentine's Day.

Seven years ago: It's Valentine's Day!

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