Saturday, February 10, 2024

Let's Talk About The World Turning

Me: So, um... My affairs today are slightly what some people would call "jank". I want to have a talk with you two for that.

Ash: No problem!

Goh: As we've said, we're here for you.

Pikachu: Pi! ["Yes!"]

Me: OK. That said, the world, including the parts that are relevant to me, is also in a state of "turning", which we'll talk about soon - but we also need to tie it with Pokémon perspectives. So, what do you think about that?

Ash: Um... I guess I think back to the time that Kyogre and Groudon appeared.

Goh: You got to see them too?

Ash: I did, back in the Hoenn region. There were two teams that "turned" against each other.

Goh: I can imagine how that would be. When I met them with Project Mew, all the local Pokémon were about to "turn" against themselves too.

Me: Yeah, so we get how things can turn in the world.

Goh: Is the way your things are going today part of that "turning"?

Pikachu: Pika chu pika. ["It has to be."]

Me: You could say that. I'm in the process of preparing a really big Pokémon thing, and there's been a few twists and turns - including over the past day.

Goh: Oh! Will that involve Ash?

Ash: I sure hope it does!

Me: However it happens, I have to do that. It's a part of us, and it has to work out somehow.

Goh: And it's the "working out" part that's turning and turning for you.

Me: That's how it's going, it seems like. 

Ash: You know, I'll be happy with whatever you decide, and I'll try to make it work for you.

Me: Thanks. Some things may just have to give somehow, like today.

Goh: And what about today? It must also be why you summoned us.

Me: I thought about having Ash go do something, but it turns out it was more effective for me to go and do things instead.

Ash: Oh, I see what you mean. Like I said, I'm happy that it worked out for you. I can make things work another time.

Pikachu: Pika chu! ["I so agree!"]

Me: But many of the things still involved Pokémon in different ways, so it's not a total loss. And that something didn't work out for us, or wasn't going to anyway.

Goh: Well, that's everything to gain as far as we are concerned.

Ash: That's so true!

Me: I suppose so. Now, there's one more matter of turning to discuss. Today happens to be the Lunar New Year - a turn from one year to another, from an old month to a new month.

Goh: Hey! Happy Lunar New Year!

Ash: Yeah!

Me: It's a festive time for some people, even if it just seems another day to many. They also said that if it rains - which in my place, it usually does - then that's a sign of good luck.

Ash: I saw outside. We had little chance of making it to anything with that kind of weather.

Pikachu: Pi pika. ["Not much."]

Ash: But maybe it means we can get lucky somehow.

Goh: Who knows? It just might work out that way.

Me: So, after all that discussion, it seems the "janky" part of this day was kind of relative, at least for me - and us.

Goh: If you think about it, it does. And on a special day too.

Me: But that doesn't change the fact that the world continues to turn, sometimes up, sometimes down.

Ash: It doesn't matter which way, as long as there's Pokémon. 

Pikachu: Pika chu! ["Yes!"]

Goh: A very nice way to think about it.

Me: I hope wherever (and however) the world turns, something always works out - Pokémon included.

Four years ago: On (No) Coincidences
Seven years ago: Space

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