Sunday, February 18, 2024

Let's Talk About Saving Opportunities

Me: And, um... I said it would be a weekend, but things didn't work out today.

Goh: You don't say.

Ash: You must have a reason.

Me: I do, in a way. So that becomes the subject of our "Let's Talk" today.

Goh: OK, so today it's all about "saving opportunities", you say. If we consider Pokémon, then we have items, and we need to use them when we need to.

Ash: That works. I - or my friends - carry Potions sometimes, and we've gotta be careful in using them.

Pikachu: Pi, pika pika chu. [points to a "sore" spot]

Ash: Yeah, like when Pikachu here is injured.

Me: Sure. That definitely counts.

Goh: Or, how about during a battle, when you have that one important attack that you want to save for the right moment?

Ash: Oh, like Overheat, when I had Torkoal one time.

Goh: Care to tell us about the details? 

Ash: Yeah, it was back in the Hoenn region. We were battling this big Steelix, and we needed to hit it just perfectly - and wham! Torkoal did it.

Goh: That must have been quite the sight. 

Ash: You should have seen it. If Torkoal didn't hit it just then, who knows what would have happened?

Pikachu: Pika... chu! ["It went... wham!"]

Goh: So, Overheat really needed to be saved for that.

Ash: Pretty much!

Goh: But maybe our friend can tell us about other opportunities that need to be saved.

Me: Well, a big thing recently is saving energy - that is, of myself. I'm not too sure why, but lately I've been more exhausted than usual. So that seems to be something to save - especially for Ash - for future opportunities.

Goh: You might want to pace yourself. That's a big thing.

Me: It is. But at least things not working out today allowed some of that to be saved, especially for more important things.

Ash: I think it really did. Maybe there was something else that was saved?

Me: I can think of one thing: time. It allowed me to catch up on some other Pokémon things that could take more time had I delayed them - perhaps even some more energy.

Goh: What could they be?

Me: Oh, they might have involved taking a few orders, or catching some Pokémon of a certain type or of a certain region. Some of these are plenty, in fact.

Goh: I see - so you could be saving more opportunities of these later on.

Me: That's precisely the point. And then there's the matter of saving some funds, which was something else that worked out by things not working out.

Ash: I can tell that's important for you. 

Me: In a way, for you too, Ash.

Ash: Me?

Pikachu: Pika? ["Hmm?"]

Me: There's a Pokémon happening that I really want to get you involved in, and it's already pretty much set to happen, but I could use some more funds for that.

Goh: OK, now I'm curious. But I'm sure our friend will tell us more when it's time.

Me: You got that. So, we see that we can save things and opportunities wherever we go. 

Goh: That's true.

Ash: Very true!

Me: And hopefully by doing that, we can make things work, even if others don't or didn't.

Four years ago: To Lure or to Walk?
Five years ago: Romancing the Ball

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