As is always the case (for me personally), the end of February is always a time for certain anniversaries, and the most pertinently important one is for Pokémon itself - which is today. It's the celebration known as Pokémon Day, and this year marks the 29th anniversary, twenty-nine years after the first Pokémon games were released. Admittedly, though, the occasion of this year's anniversary - among some of the past few years - could be considered an "in between" anniversary for certain reasons, and that "in between" quality seems to serve as a good discussion point for this year's Pokémon Day.
The reason it's "in between" is because next year is a particularly round anniversary number; it would be the 30th anniversary, which in some circles, albeit uncommonly, may be regarded as the "pearl" anniversary. Because of this, the content for next year's anniversary is likely to be fuller and more fleshed out akin to the silver anniversary from some years ago (see below), while this year's can be considered to be a "filler", to borrow a term from the anime fandom, and to pass the time waiting for that anniversary.
Reports have also indicated that this year might be an "in-between" year regardless for some Pokémon affairs as well, though some might just be somewhat too early to tell, in particular the circumstances of their happening. One of them has even been brought up on this blog and is awaiting answers. I'm also "in between" some of them, as well as between a figurative "rock and a hard place", and perhaps so are many fans. To resolve all of that, something like Pokémon Presents is needed to pin things down.
With that, an edition of Pokémon Presents is indeed scheduled for today, and it divulges things that are now not so "in between". As usual, it will take a separate post to discuss (and a bit of time to organize for that purpose), but I can give the highlights of the showcased facets. The most important have to be... a shade of "big" in the physical TCG, a "championship revival", and of course the big-time "legendary" reveal that everyone has waited for with bated breath - hopefully with at least some gulps of air.
Even on an "in between" year like this one, it's always a great day for Pokémon, and especially today as the occasion of the franchise's anniversary. That - including what is (was) in Pokémon Presents today - may be all it takes to fill the gaps in each and every day, and all parts between them, for all the days of this "in between" year into the next year and even beyond. Between you and me, that should be a great thing.
Happy 29th anniversary.
One year ago: Pokémon Day 2024 - 28th Anniversary
Two years ago: Pokémon Day 2023 - 27th Anniversary
Three years ago: Pokémon Day 2022 - 26th Anniversary
Four years ago: Suddenly Silver: Pokémon Day 2021 - 25th Anniversary
Five years ago: Pokémon Day 2020 - 24th Anniversary
Six years ago: Pokémon Day 2019 - 23rd Anniversary
Seven years ago: Pokémon Day 2018 - 22nd Anniversary
Eight years ago: Pokémon Day 2017 - 21st Anniversary
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