Goh: OK, this looks even more different.
Ash: And it doesn't sound like a festival or convention.
Me: Well, you're both right. As stated, it's a gathering, but characters [OOC: cosplayers and the characters they cosplay] are invited all the same - and so it is with Ash and me.
Goh: So this is for...
Me: OK, a quick briefing. Ruang Cosplay ("cosplay space" in translation) is a local service that helps people find people who can help them to send characters to wherever they may go, including here. [OOC: It's a cosplay costume rental aggregator/platform to help find costumes for rent and use in festivals, conventions, or wherever.]
Goh: Oh, so if someone wanted to send me, they can with this?
Me: Sure! But last I checked, there has only been one Pokémon offering, for Charmander... and I'm not quite fit for that. That's for someone else to handle.
Ash: Maybe there will be more later on?
Pikachu: Pi pika pika? ["For me?"]
Me: Who knows. That just might be possible. Anyway, Ash got to the place of the gathering, and...
Ash: It's the creative center in town!
Goh: I guess it makes sense that they'd hold it there.
Me: Fair enough.
Ash: I signed up just as they told me to, and I got in.
Goh: Where did they hold the gathering?
Ash: In a theater, like where you'd watch a movie.
Goh: That's nice. So that means the people with the service presented it.
Ash: Yeah! Our friend and I had already explored it, but we got to know about it further.
Goh: What did you already know?
Me: Of course, we can use it to find characters and the people who can help with them [OOC: costume sets for rent and their rental places].
Ash: But now we can find groups of them too!
Me: That comes in handy when some people want to do things together.
Ash: And the market is evolving.
Goh: Just like some Pokémon.
Me: In what way?
Ash: They're looking at having character senders be able to give things of their own, like greetings or photos.
Me: That sounds impressive. I think I'll have to make a jump on that when things get going, and explore the rest of the service.
Goh: This sounds neat and all... but wouldn't it get kind of boring to listen to the presentations after a while?
Ash: That must be why they had games!
Pikachu: Pika pika chu pika! ["The neat part!"]
Goh: That's more like it. I want to hear about those.
Ash: A lot of it was about pop culture trivia... but some that our friend and I don't know a lot about.
Goh: Well, you two must have known something.
Ash: Our friend knows about music, and there was a guessing game for music from different things. Thanks to him, I got three - and one of them was for Pokémon!
Goh: Wow! I'm sure our friend is familiar with at least a few things outside of Pokémon.
Me: More than you would think - but let's spare the details.
Ash: And the best part of the day was a giveaway for character things - you know, for sending them.
Me: Hey, that's very neat. [OOC: Ash means costumes and wigs.]
Ash: It was for the characters who signed up. And... hey - I won hair that looks like Cynthia's!
Goh: Wow!!
Pikachu: Pika!! ["Nice!!"]
Me: But I have to say, I'm not in the position to send Cynthia myself. Someone else can do that - so I'm considering them in mind for now.
Goh: I guess I know what you mean.
Ash: It might just happen!
Goh: By the way, how many people and/or characters came?
Ash: A lot! You think it might have been a few, but even friends of our friend came, with characters too.
Me: It means they might just have a stake in it.
Ash: So did the one who created the service, in our friend.
Goh: You know each other?
Goh: Oooh. I see now.
Me: You two are a lot alike, if I do say so myself.
Goh: I can see that. Anyway, you must have had a great day with the gathering.
Ash: I could relax! No competitions to deal with - unless the games were.
Pikachu: Pika! ["Haha!"]
Me: And hey, I hope the service or platform continues to be a success - and perhaps we can be a part of it someday.
Goh: I think you can.
Ash: I hope so too!
Me: Well wishes for the service or platform, and well wishes for us.
One year ago: In a Trainer's Bag
Two years ago: Being Surrounded by Promotional Cards
Three years ago: NADWPKMN - The Video Series: Episode #1 - An Introduction
Four years ago: Pass Challenges with Pokémon
Five years ago: Total Experience
Six years ago: Legends Among People
Seven years ago: Pictures Worth Thousands of Words
Eight years ago: Pokkén Sentiments
Thank you for attending our first gathering !