Me: That said...
Goh: OK, so festival Sunday. Um... Wait, this is the fifth?
Me: Uh-huh. Technically, the festival called "Unity" was the second, and... Ash missed the third because I sent him somewhere else and the fourth because it happened during last year's Go Fest.
Ash: Oh, that's what happened!
Pikachu: Pika... ["I see..."]
Me: But now the fifth is the charm... maybe? Anyway, this time should be quite different.
Goh: But it's still with the same people, right?
Me: Sure. The location, though, is somewhere totally new even for me.
Ash: It looks like... an office complex!
Goh: Like a public office?
Ash: Yeah! They had the festival in the hall and just outside it.
Me: Yup, that's different, all right.
Goh: My guess is that the competitions are still the same.
Me: They have the character parade and singing ones... and now they have a character performance one.
Goh: Looks neat! But I have a feeling you're only going to put Ash in one of these.
Me: Mm-hmm. And he's going to do what he did a few weeks ago.
Ash: Same competition and same song! Oh, and same outfit too.
Me: Yup. I did want to try for the character performance, but I'm short on preparations for that, again. Also, maybe it helps to conjure ideas first from this one.
Goh: Well, I understand. So, how were things?
Ash: The festival was great! It was small and a little like the ones in the mall, but I got to spend the day with our friend's friends - character and others.
Pikachu: Pika chu. ["A nice time."]
Goh: Hey, I guess it did work out. But then... the competition.
Ash: I thought I sang great. And I even sat and walked around while I sang!
Goh: Looks like the focus from your friend helped... maybe for the results too?
Ash: Didn't work out. I think they had a few sound issues - the same as with one of our friend's friends in it?
Me: I'm sorry about that. That's one of the things beyond our control.
Ash: Also, I was one of 20 and the others were all great too - and there were only three winners.
Goh: Shoot. But I guess that always happens with many people entering and few prizes.
Me: Absolutely. I always wish they gave out more prizes like they do for the characters.
Goh: Speaking of, how were they?
Ash: I didn't see the parade myself, but our friend's friends had the report. It was the usual. But I did see the performances, and I think I have a few ideas for our friend.
Me: Great! I'll see what I can do with them soon.
Goh: I'll be interested. Oh, yes - what about entertainment?
Ash: Just dance groups all day and the usual karaoke group at the end.
Goh: OK, standard. So, as our friend said, this was a change of pace... in a way.
Ash: But a lot was the same. I think they can have it again at the same place just to make it different.
Pikachu: Pika chu? ["Why not?"]
Me: I think so too. They can make it even better - and so can we with us and competitions.
Goh: That should be lively.
Me: As lively as the changing colors of the day, which I'm told was the spirit behind this one.
Ash: Neat!
Me: You know what they say - a change is as good as a rest. Expect more rests and changes on the way, for this and others too.
One year ago: Furthering Family Affairs
Two years ago: Utsuru Loot: More Stylistic Pokémon Stickers
Three years ago: On Tap for the NADWPKMN YouTube Channel
Four years ago: Pokémon Cinematic Universe - Possible?
Five years ago: Cosplay: Cosplay on the Street II
Six years ago: Romancing the Ball
Seven years ago: Once and Again: Cosplay Teaser for 3/11/2018
Eight: years ago: We Three Birds of Kanto Are...
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