Monday, July 15, 2024

The Pokémon Go Fest Experience... with Ash in Tow

Me: One more thing before leaving the Pokémon Go Fest weekend: I want to discuss about it - but not by myself, for I want to include you two.

Goh: Oh, did you send Ash for this one?

Ash: He did! But just on the second day.

Me: That's right. On the first day, it was just myself, but on the second day, I decided to make things a little more lively and send you. Now, if you remember...

Ash: We did this last year too!

Me: Indeed.

Goh: And it was the same case too, just on the second day.

Ash: Wouldn't you believe it - it was just like that time.

Pikachu: Pika chu pika! ["Very much so!"]

Goh: Based on what you wrote up... it was all about raids.

Ash: Yeah! It was for Necrozma, but it looked really different.

Goh: Oh! These look like they have a bit of Solgaleo and Lunala in them, the main Legendary Pokémon of the Alola region.

Ash: They do, don't they?

Me: I'd like to say that I'll have more on them soon, especially now that things have been understood.

Ash: I think I know what you wanted me to do, but I understand. We'll get it right later on.

Goh: Speaking of... what did you get right on Sunday?

Ash: I got through most of the tasks with Rhi. I got to the second set... but then got stopped by two raid tasks, and by then I was tired of raiding.

Goh: I'd be tired too if I had to do a lot, so you must have done a lot.

Ash: I lost count. It might have been more than 20.

Goh: I don't blame you - that's a lot.

Pikachu: Pika chu... ["A lot..."]

Me: Well, anyway, we've discussed this year and last year's, so why don't we discuss about general experiences - even ones I may not have sent Ash to.

Goh: I'd say... you'd have to be prepared to catch a lot of Pokémon, given what you said in writing.

Ash: But that does sound like fun.

Me: It would have to be a day when things align... or not, like....

Goh: on Sunday? 

Me: Yeah.

Goh: I think we're getting at the reason you sent Ash, but I assume we'll deal with that later?

Me: You said it.

Goh: So maybe we can talk a little bit more about the people (Trainers) Ash interacted with.

Ash: There were new friends and old friends on Sunday - friends of our friend, of course. 

Me: Were some of them friends that I haven't seen in a long time?

Ash: Hey, yeah! A couple of them were.

Goh: That's very nice. It would be like meeting friends from my school or other gatherings.

Pikachu: Chu pika chu. ["You could say."]

Me: You know, it's very much like that. Or maybe like a festival or convention.

Goh: OK, out with it. Was there one on Sunday?

Me: Two, in fact. My intel tells me they were battling for visitors... and the one that had been scheduled earlier lost the battle.

Goh: Oh, dear. That must have been tough.

Ash: I guess it was a good thing we weren't part of the "battle"??

Me: Well, I guess so. We definitely saved some effort and cash by not dealing with them.

Goh: Hey, at least you still got Ash to meet and talk with people, so you two got something out of that.

Me: Very true.

Ash: If it weren't for Go Fest, what would you have me do?

Me: Oh, there might have been some singing involved. Performing on stage could have been a toss-up, though.

Goh: So, as you said - saved a few things. There is always a next time, but Go Fest only comes once a year.

Me: Also very true. It's like a certain convention... but that's out of range for this discussion.

Ash: I think Go Fest is awesome for Pokémon! You can get me to do all sorts of things.

Pikachu: Chu pika! ["For sure!"]

Goh: And it could be like a convention with social things, even if it isn't one.

Me: You'd believe the ones outside would be a little more like that.

Goh: So, social things, Pokémon things, active things - they're all part of Go Fest. 

Ash: Don't forget all the fun - with or without me!

Me: There you go: that's the experience, and a great one indeed.

Four years ago: More on Remote Raids
Five years ago: The Switch Lite
Six years ago: Mew @ Everywhere

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