Monday, July 29, 2024

Crossover Holowear?

Pokémon Unite features plenty of Holowear with inspiration from a variety of realistic sources, which are all as commendable as they are interesting. Yet what it seems to lack is Holowear that are inspired by other in-game Pokémon settings... although some do appear as Trainer outfits instead, meaning for the person with the Pokémon rather than for the Pokémon themselves. To that end, I would like to discuss possible in-game Holowear inspirations, which for the purpose of this post I would like to call "crossover Holowear".

An obvious inspiration for this is the various Pokémon outfits that are present in Café Remix, some of which could make for battle-ready Holowear. Granted, a lot of these outfits are "chef-y" and are more suited for a battle in the kitchen rather than a battle on the field, but then some of the Holowear are already like that - particularly the holiday Holowear of certain Pokémon that have them, so the possibility might not be out of the question. Still, I'm thinking that certain outfits like the recently introduced Festival Finery outfit for Greninja and the Halloween outfits for certain evolved Eevee forms might make for interesting Holowear, especially since the Pokémon are already present in the game. The cross-promotion aspect for Café Remix could also give both games a boost for the people that already play them, like me.

Then, there could be Holowear that cross over certain unique aspects. For example, a Holowear for Gyarados (and by extension Magikarp) - which are already in the game - could take inspiration from the unique patterns found in Magikarp Jump, which I haven't discussed in a very long time. For this, the patterns would be persistent when the Magikarp evolves to Gyarados, which would bring a certain novelty. A more drastic Holowear idea could be something that transforms a part or nearly all of a Pokémon to resemble their counterparts in Pokémon Quest, making them have the blocky style the game is known for. This might not be realized because of its drastic nature, but at least it's still fun to think about.

One of the key aspects of Pokémon Unite is certainly its stunning variety of Holowear, which already have a ton of inspiration imbued in them. Still, perhaps a bit of inspiration from within Pokémon itself - as in, the other games - could augment the inspirational value further while keeping the game entrenched in the world of Pokémon and maintaining its life alongside other games in the franchise.

Three years ago: P25 Music for Life?
Four years ago: The Values of Posts
Seven years ago: Under 100 Hours?

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