Thursday, July 25, 2024

Pokémon Center Merchandise Odds and Ends

All throughout this month, I've discussed a few kinds of Pokémon merchandise from and/or promoted by Pokémon Center in my series of "four fours" for the month. I've got one more post to make, but I've had some trouble deciding what I'd make it on, particularly since I haven't identified another specific kind or line. Yet there are even more kinds than I can stand to make posts on - or more specifically, I can't make them fill a single post. With that being the case, I've decided to round up a few that I consider "unique finds" as a few of the latest "odds and ends" in this realm.

One kind that caught my eye is the Blacklight Poster series. As highlighted in the e-mail newsletter, the posters feature Ghost-type Pokémon with dazzling colors; more of these colors appear when normal lights are turned off and they're made to glow under a black light. They're a spectacular set of posters, and it makes sense why Ghost types were highlighted for this purpose - they're the ones that get bright, at least in one way, when the outside gets dark. A fan who possesses these posters will likely enjoy showing them off in both normal light and the darkest of lights.

If the posters aren't dazzling enough, then there is a pair of bookends with real(ly) dazzling Legendary Pokémon: the Ho-Oh and Lugia Bookends. They are, of course, the "box legends" of the second-generation games, and in this case they went "out of the box" and potentially off to the side of shelves in order to keep books - likely Pokémon books - upright and perhaps in the best view possible. For bookworms, this piece of merchandise might be amazing enough even if they're not Pokémon fans, but for those who are also Pokémon fans, they ought to "close the book" in one sense.

Ending the roundup, spectacularly fittingly, is a figure called the Mountain of Discovery figure. It really is a mountain, both figuratively and literally: it depicts a rocky and mountainous scene that is filled with not one or two Pokémon, but a dazzling plethora of them (of various types, not just those of the Rock type as expected), and the scene itself is also gravity-defying in some respects, including for the featured Pokémon species. The scale of the figure is also remarkable in this regard, and as its name implies, there might always be something to discover even after continuously viewing the figure.

Undeniably, Pokémon Center will continue to feature all kinds of merchandise, from ones that fit into certain themes (like the ones I've discussed prior in the month) to those that go beyond those themes and stand out all their own (like all the ones above). The biggest trouble that a Pokémon fan might go through is deciding which ones support their fancy, needs, or scale - or any or all of those three - rather than writing up about them as I do, but at least I can try to appeal to those with my discussions and make one's Pokémon merchandise collection be the best like nothing ever was. (Sounds familiar.)

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