It's been a long time since I discussed this topic, and in fact there has been a very long gap between the first and only time I've discussed it. So it is that through that long time, my raid group practically survived the ordeals of the past few years and is still here today. As explained back then, the actual anniversary is on July 25, which this year would be in two days from today, but that's on a weekday and not likely to allow many people to join in. Thus, the celebration was moved forward to the occasion of this month's Community Day, which by now can ascertain very many people - that is, members of my raid group - to join in.
Like many Pokémon species, my raid group has "evolved". Many of its senior members have since relocated to different places (and some have become even less active or not at all), but there has been a good turnaround with the junior members, who span the gamut from adventurous families who just recently discovered the game to some isolated and/or returning players who (may) have played for some time before discovering the existence of the raid group. The combination of both the strongholds of the past and the vanguards of the present (along with one or two special guests) became part of the celebration the other day.
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What a spread - of people and food. |
The content of the celebration was much like the previous one. There was food to share - quite a bit now, there was even some left over - made up of the usual assortment of savory and sweet, including a cake. There were also contests: most of certain Pokémon caught within the past year, guessing Pokémon cries, and raiding a couple of Gyms, all with certain prizes. All this was done within the few hours prior to Community Day, which made things slightly hectic but still somewhat pleasant for those who came.
Even going into, during, and after Community Day, some of the celebratory atmosphere was still persistent, including for the usual post-Community Day contests with their own prizes. Compared to what happened six years ago, this celebration could be considered the most lively one yet, with about as many people as that time, if not slightly more. The occasion of Community Day pretty much helped seal the deal for this current anniversary as it was well-timed and served as a magnet for people (Trainers).
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The celebration group photo. |
Of course, since I did send in Ash, it's nice to talk about it a little, with the usual cast:
Ash: The food was really good! I wanted to eat more but I couldn't.
Goh: I can see that. I would have loved to have some.
Ash: And I won one of the sound games - by guessing Jigglypuff. I wasn't lucky with the Tynamo giveaways afterwards.
Pikachu: Pika pika chu pika. ["Seems a little strange."]
Goh: Huh. That does make you wonder if things had to happen the way they did.
Me: Who knows. But if it's a celebration like this, it seems that anything goes.
Ash: And being with Pokémon and people makes things great!
Me: That is indeed very important.
Goh: Can't disagree!
Finally, I also have to say that this year's anniversary adopted the tagline "7 Years, 7000 Memories". There may have been seven years to my raid group's existence, but there may just be a great deal more memories than 7000; it could be considered countless in some ways. This anniversary celebration definitely becomes a part of those memories, and those will also shape the times of the present and the future with whatever happens.
One year ago: Cosplay: Shokumatsu
Two years ago: Respect for Zeno Robinson
Three years ago: More on Ideal Raid Lengths
Four years ago: The State of Nominations, Part 5
Five years ago: Movie Manga, Part 2 (Really 2)
Six years ago: Pokémon Style Figure Sun & Moon 2 - Mimikyu
Seven years ago: Cosplay in a Bag
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