Monday, July 22, 2024

Pokémon Unite 3rd Anniversary

This month could be called a month of anniversaries to some extent, and one of them is for a certain "rising star" Pokémon game. That game would be Pokémon Unite, and this year is its third anniversary. Last year, as I've mentioned, was its second anniversary (see below), which I also described as going through its tumultuous "terrible twos". With the third anniversary, that has obviously passed, but it's also helpful to discuss how that might have been borne out based on what took place over the past year.

New Pokémon certainly kept coming throughout that time, even including a few "oddball" choices from generations past and present. Something that might have sealed the deal for playable Legendary Pokémon from the past year is the addition (or rather, "reclassification") of them as EX Licenses to differentiate as well as restrict them... which has happened and seems to work for the better. This addition perhaps spared a great quantity of (other) "terribleness" from being manifested.

As for most other aspects, they remain somewhat more or less the same, though Ranked play did receive minor improvements, like the Rank Protection Card that allows progress to be maintained even with a loss. Ranked play might still present some terrible moments from time to time, but at this point, that may be considered "par for the course" and players will just have to trudge on through them as usual.

Like in past years, there's an anniversary event to be had, and it works in much of the same ways as in those years. Also like in the past year, there is another playable Legendary Pokémon coming in... or rather, it has already come and it is the task of the players to obtain it (for free at the moment) by putting in some effort through the usual battles. It also might be considered a "reborn" gesture, given the ways of the Pokémon.

With three years having gone past, quite a bit of the tumult has passed, though the game being what it is, there will always be some tumult - internally in the battles this time, and hopefully not extending externally. That "reborn" gesture as above might just be one of the indicators, along with other Pokémon to come, surely.

It is now for the ages. Happy third anniversary to Pokémon Unite.

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