Saturday, July 27, 2024

Like Magnemite to Electricity

As I might have mentioned in a number of posts, I'm a night owl of sorts and enjoy doing things in the wee hours of the day, sometimes with minimal lighting - at least, just enough so that I can see comfortably. A Pokémon that might enjoy such settings is Magnemite, which might find favor with the low lighting, and perhaps more importantly, the soft electricity emitted by the light that also makes it glow.

It is known that Magnemite sustains itself on this soft electricity, becoming a meal source for it. It's a unique Pokémon in that regard, being one that survives on inorganic sources of energy rather than organic ones. And it's obvious, really, since it has no traditional body parts and what body parts there are conduct electricity, becoming an extension of its life force for making use of electricity to survive.

The story of Francois, the Magnemite companion of Ren (one of Professor Cerise's assistants) from the World saga, should illustrate this well. Incidentally, Ren may be known for "burning the midnight oil" at times, given the assistant role as above. Ren is attached to his Magnemite as the Magnemite is attached to what makes it tick - the electricity that it consumes and may discharge as part of its Pokémon role.

Meanwhile, I'm likely to continue becoming a night owl and do things even in situations with minimal lighting. In those situations, a Magnemite might be happy to join in to feed on soft electricity, and I could be pleased - even enough to have one as a companion just like Ren and Francois. It will sustain itself as I might try to sustain myself, and that ought to make us have something in common.

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