Friday, July 12, 2024

Current Quibbles with Dracoviz

As I've discussed earlier, the tournament organization portion of Silph Arena has been taken up by a site called Dracoviz. For the most part, it works well... but also as I've said, it is seemingly incomplete or a "work in progress". As such, some players (Trainers) - including I myself - might have some "quibbles" with the site and its system in general. For this post, I want to discuss what some of those "quibbles" might be and the hopeful prospects for them.

One of the ways the "work in progress" quality is evident is through recent interface updates. When I took the plunge and signed up for Dracoviz, only a "light theme" version of the site was available; mid-way through the first tournament I took part in using the site, the interface was updated to allow a choice between that and a "dark theme". Granted, this is now already more than what the Silph Arena offered - the Arena effectively only had a "dark theme" - but it does seem a little puzzling that it wasn't something initially offered. Then, at around the same time, the teams display for tournament participants was updated, making them more space-efficient (particularly on the desktop site) and adding type icons for moves. Seeing that the site has been present for practically the most part of the post-Silph Arena inaugural season, it's also a wonder why this didn't happen sooner.

Then, there are other present aspects that highlight that quality. From what I can see, Dracoviz has no "check-in" system, which could have helped with the live tournament from a few days ago to cull absent participants; even so, such a system was largely ignored in Silph Arena for remote tournaments, which is more sensible as the participants are assumed to be present wherever they are. The addition of this may or may not happen, but it could be a fix for the "quibble". A more personal one I have is the absence of a "condensed" rankings display: although the teams display does show participants and their rankings, which could be construed to have a double function in this regard, the display does take up a lot of space. If the display could be minimized, whether by default or by a user-initiated toggle (or even both), then a "condensed" rankings display could be had without adding another, separate one and adding clutter to the site - something that is positive about its "spartan" look.

Regardless of the current state of the now de facto site used for organizing Pokémon Go tournaments, its presence is and should already be welcome to community PvP and beyond. What it may take for it to go into high gear is to make the site look less of a "work in progress" and implement fixes for the remaining "quibbles" - some of mine as mentioned above, and perhaps those of other Trainers - for the improvement of its workings in the hope that Trainers in Pokémon Go do so for their game as well.

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