Saturday, July 20, 2024

Taking the "Pokémon Challenge"

Faithful readers will recognize that while many of my posts are about pertinent Pokémon matters, just as many are also on things outside of Pokémon... but also made to connect to it in some way. It's almost as if it's "effortless" for that to happen to me as a Pokémon fan - but I imagine for some other fans and "not-so" fans, it would be a "challenge"... and that becomes the topic for this post. I want to discuss about something I'd like to call the "Pokémon Challenge" as something that others can take; it's in the vein of some other "challenges" on social media, but it's one that any one can take.

Basically, the terms of the "challenge" is to take something that isn't related to Pokémon and make/connect/adapt it to Pokémon, as I have done in many of my previous posts. It could be considered that the point of the "challenge" is to attempt to provide a Pokémon perspective, take, or complement to those things - which I may be considered to have done by the above. The "challenge", of course, is in making that happen for whatever one deals with, and things may not be as easy as they seem... but that's the point of it all. 

As an example, a local jazz group has a song about a "romantic" things. If they're called on to take the "Pokémon Challenge", they could opt to turn the song into bringing up Pokémon things instead - in the case of the above, instead of "romantic" things, the song could be about "Fomantis" things, the wonders of the species family. A Pokémon fan could be called on to assist in this regard, but the overall results would still be able to meet the "Pokémon Challenge" regardless, especially if it can be achieved.

I realize that I'm not necessarily fond of certain other things in this world that other people are more fond of, just like they may not be necessarily fond of Pokémon, but a "challenge" like this is good for stirring up the "pot" of interest from time to time. Perhaps it could serve as a way of sharing viewpoints as well - again, exactly what I'm doing with this blog and all the topics I've posted, some effectively being manifestations of this "challenge".

While I'm not big on social media and particularly the "challenges" that crop up there from time to time, I can try to furnish them, and being a Pokémon fan, this is the "challenge" I choose to furnish. Taking on the "challenge" is another matter, but I'm sure that fervent Pokémon fans similar to me along with some less fervent ones could be up to the task, to fill the world with Pokémon by the results of the "challenge".

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