Tuesday, July 30, 2024

The State of Nominations, Part 29

There's been a lot of things going on both in and out of Pokémon Go, but there's always some time to figure out some nominations for PokéStops, to make them, and then to update on them. Indeed, regarding the latter, two months have passed, and it's time to make another one of the updates on my progressions in this area. This time around, it could be said that I'm trying to deal with the "wiggle room" in making the nominations and keeping track of them to see how they end up.

With that, there are the numbers as usual. As of this moment, I have 135 Accepted nominations, an increase of 8 from last time. Then, I also have 66 Not Accepted nominations, regrettably a slight increase of 2. Undecided nominations currently tally at 20 In Voting and 6 In Queue, neither having majorly increased from last time, although their progression to become decided makes them significant. Lastly, Duplicate nominations stay as they are (11), and that ought to be the case.

In regard to the "wiggle room" as mentioned above, I've also begun keeping track of how the nominations have manifested, and I found that as of my present notes, 8 of them did not manifest into PokéStops, likely due to conflicts with other Waypoints. As part of this, I've also marked nominations as being "closed" (being rejected and nothing more can be done about them) and "open" (being either undecided or could be renominated or appealed). Notably, there are 22 of the latter and 70 of the former.

Now, at this point, the identification of that "wiggle room" becomes more important than ever, because I'm certain that as others are also nominating PokéStops, we might run into each others' Waypoints, especially as fewer and fewer objects become available for nomination. It also makes it easy for me to decide which nominations can still be improved and which ones are no longer viable due to certain circumstances. Either way, this identification had to be made evident.

Even as certain Pokémon Go matters become more complex than they seem initially, the nominating of PokéStops can still be made, certainly within its "wiggle room". They may then in turn alleviate the complexity of those matters and provide added "wiggle room" for them. The case of my updating is to shed light on the above and reassure that there is still a place (or places, rather) for Pokémon Go matters to play out in, while other matters and beyond come into play.

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