Thursday, July 11, 2024

Quickies: Comparatives and Superlatives

In languages, "comparative" and "superlative" refer to degrees of comparisons by modifiers, often adjectives - for example, much/many ➡️ more ➡️ most. The second of these is the comparative degree (having a quality by a greater amount), and the third of these is the superlative degree (having a quality by an even greater amount). Since this is on a Pokémon blog, it's a given if the above can be tied to Pokémon in some way, and there are a few of those ties or applications.

A comparison that sticks out in my head is the spoons of the Abra species family. They go from having no spoons (Abra) then one spoon (Kadabra) and two (Alakazam) and even five (Mega Alakazam). The middle two - or the third one - are the comparative(s), and obviously the last one is the superlative. Across species families, there are those with few alternate forms (either Darmanitan comes to mind), middling numbers (Oricorio and Deoxys), and multitudes (Vivillon, Arceus), and these obviously highlight their comparative degrees.

Of course, comparisons could also go in the other direction (or even others), and they'd still have a sense of those degrees. If larval Pokémon are to be considered by its puny quality, then the (a) superlative here would be Tynamo, while the comparatives would be Poliwag and Tadbulb. In the intra-family department, Gastly is the lightest of its kin (the superlative) while Haunter is not that light (the comparative) and Gengar and its Mega Evolution are downright heavy. Yet how the comparisons play out are still evident.

Even though many more comparisons are to be had elsewhere in Pokémon (and there are just as many that cannot be detailed here, as this is a "Quickies" post), at a glance, they all still illustrate the idea very well. Regardless, the idea of comparisons in language is not only present but also key to some of its relations, especially for understanding the world. In a sense, that also could be construed to play well with the Pokémon world, and in this way I'm also making the understanding by the idea.

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