Monday, July 1, 2024

Tournament: Retro - Rainbow Cup by AIGA e-Sports

After a very long time, another post on the (Pokémon Go PvP) tournament scene has surfaced, and predictably, it involves me as a participant. Some readers might be asking the question "how?" regarding this predicament, and all I can say for now is that the explanation for that will have to wait. What is important at the moment is that I need to discuss what took place and the results for me personally, and how that reflects my involvement in this branch of competitive Pokémon, especially after a long "sabbatical".

Particularly, the theme has to be gotten out of the way first. It's called Retro-Rainbow Cup because the featured types are the same as for "ye olde Rainbow Cup" of Silph Arena, but the Pokémon are limited to those from the first two generations - and regions, thus Kanto and Johto. This also included forms (which meant none from later regions), as I've found out the day before matches were to begin. Fortunately, they were changed just in time... or rather, the organizers put in leeway for that to happen.

The organizers, meanwhile, are a team (perhaps could also be said to be a collective) of Trainers who also had a Faction also on Silph Arena a long time ago. This is not the first time they organize a tournament, as during the Silph Arena days, they had their own series of tournaments - though for one reason or another, I wasn't able to participate until now. Also, everything was actually due to start on the 22nd last month but was delayed a day, perhaps for the reason above and other matters not known to me.

When it did start, things went on for six rounds, each held within the period of a day (24 hours). At the start, there were 54 participants, but two had no teams registered and were booted out. As the tournament progressed, two more participants either got booted out - due to tardiness - or left on their own accord, leaving 50 as the final tally. And after the dust had settled, I ended up in 35th place (16th from the bottom) with two round wins and four round losses, which is a little (or somewhat) regrettable.

Still, except for one round where I was shut out, I did get at least one battle win in each round, even managing to shut out my opponent in one of the other rounds that I won, for a total of eight battle wins. This performance is pretty much comparable to some of the ones just before the "sabbatical" that I took from competitive Pokémon Go PvP, which means that nothing has changed much since that time... unless if it's considered that my losses here were the results of silly mistakes and that I would be better off without them.

In any case, with my participation in this tournament, my "sabbatical" is pretty much over and I'm likely to participate in other PvP tournaments in the coming days - which might be sooner rather than later. Due to other Pokémon matters and commitments, that still may not be as often as I can, but I can and still have to allot for the possibilities for taking part when it becomes feasible, especially now that the "how" part of it has been established, giving the free means to participate in them once more.

One year ago: A Virtual Cosplay Card

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