Thursday, July 4, 2024

Blessed Be These Efforts

Let's get one thing out of the way first up: today is July 4 and as such it's the day for the commemoration of independence for the United States. It's something I've covered in connection to my Pokémon experiences since a number of years ago and will likely remain that way going forward. For this year's treatment of the topic, I've decided to go into what might be a least-discussed aspect (if not one many) that pertains to the former and could be said to describe much of the latter. And it's something that might be easily ignored.

Those who have possessed a one-dollar bill and looked at its backside might notice the words "annuit coeptis" (in Latin) written on it. Strictly (literally) speaking, it means that an entity gives favor to undertakings - of the people, certainly; more loosely, it could be taken to mean the words that are stated in the title of this post. These words have some spiritual connections, especially considering their origins and the surrounding symbolism, but those are beyond the scope of the discussion of this post.

What isn't as such is how it could be construed to be related to Pokémon. Everyone in this world makes some kind of effort for their dealings with the species of concern, particularly the Trainers. For those efforts, they may need to believe that those efforts have received blessings in some kind of way - at least if good intentions and/or methods are to be had rather than malicious ones. It would then be similar to the efforts of the people of that country above, both in the past and the present, which may explain the use of those words.

Meanwhile, for those who have contributed to Pokémon and made the franchise, universe, and world what it is, they only deserve the highest blessings, if they haven't already considered that their actions have received them as such. Even with all the hard work that goes into those actions - undeniably for any effort - they would likely be still nothing without some amount of blessings, and so the words still ring true to some capacity. It's also a capacity that I would like to attain at some point in time.

Blessings can be a little hard to come by these days with all that's going on in the world, but if those words on the one-dollar bill have anything to say, it's that there are blessings in the best of efforts, even if the results come out in unexpected ways. So true is this for anything that people do, even as they pertain to or involve Pokémon. Having been a fan of it for a long time - something that started out in the pertinent country as above - at the least, I can say that there are still blessings to be had for all the things I do with it.

So, with the (good) blessings from whomever, have a wonderful independence day celebration, for those in the U.S.

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