Wednesday, December 25, 2024

A Natural (Pokémon) Christmas

Of course, the special day of Christmas itself isn't too much of a wild and radical thing - more like a mild and common one given its history, which is out of scope for this Pokémon blog. As usual, I'd like to tie the writeup for this day not only to Pokémon but also to a particular concept, with this year's chosen one being "nature". It might be a fascinating one considering the roots of the special day, and it's also partially based on my experiences.

Where I am right now, it is said that it is always rainy around Christmas time. This is in contrast to snow as is typically expected, making for a "white Christmas"; instead, it makes for an (ahem) "transparent Christmas". In Pokémon terms, it seems that some Pokémon somewhere are always putting on a Rain Dance during the occasion and bringing the rain, perhaps in a bit of celebration of their own. Still, it may just be a whim of the weather itself, and the Pokémon contributions in this case are incidental for the occasion.

Even so, there are still both Pidgey and Yanma flying about, the occasional Politoed (or other members of its family) wandering, and Joltik coming out to feed. In the same vein, all kinds of Grass-type Pokémon are still present and reaping the bounties of nature while at the same time giving back to it in some way or another. Considering my local area, Ice-type Pokémon might be only rarely found, but they can still characteristically appear, as with Delibird as the "Santa Bird" that it very much is - although by this time this last one might have gone off elsewhere to deliver its Presents.

It seems that even Pokémon can realize that the day is indeed of a special occasion, even though it's more like "business as usual" for many of them - even for the people they are closely linked to. The people can similarly realize the presence of the special occasion and bring in elements of nature and/or Pokémon for the occasion, the former of which they always do (or have done) and the latter being something more contemporary. In this way, all things are celebrated, perhaps including its roots as well. 

There might always be something to discuss for Christmas with involvement of Pokémon, even if it seems that it's sometimes hard to put both of these in perspective - or rather, to align them on the same perspective level. But given the elements that I've discussed in previous years (see below) and even this year, having the celebration with them and Pokémon may just be a way to make that celebration seem all the more uncommon or special.

Merry Christmas, and may there always be something of Pokémon and nature in it. 🎄

Two years ago: Much Ado About Christmas
Seven years ago: Merry Christmas!

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