Ash: Nice, Community Day again!
Goh: I should have seen it coming.
Me: Like the previous one, it's been scheduled beforehand, so it needs to be dealt with. And while technically I could have tried to put Ash on double duty with the meetup where the convention was, it would have been too much for all of us.
Ash: Well, I understand. We do what we can do.
Pikachu: Pi! ["Yes!"]
Goh: And with what we have and where we are, it seems. But I get the point too.
Me: Anyway, the featured Pokémon for this one is a whimsical one. It's Wooper, a Pokémon originally from the Johto region.
Goh: So, um... Wooper only has one evolution, to Quagsire. There must be a twist to this, since most of the time Community Day has Pokémon with three stages.
Me: Indeed. That's because this edition also features its form from Paldea, a region which you two may or may not have heard of.
Ash: I heard a little bit, but not much.
Goh: So have I.
Me: For that, Paldean Wooper evolves to Clodsire, something entirely different. And both of the evolved versions will get different Charged moves: Aqua Tail for Quagsire, and Megahorn for Clodsire.
Goh: OK, these all must be battle moves. Aqua Tail takes advantage of the Water type, and Megahorn must be to protect Clodsire as its types are Ground and Poison.
Me: That's a nifty bit of research. Also, it's the first time that the Paldean forms appear, so that's also something to deal with.
Ash: And the bonuses?
Goh: Extended Lure Modules and Incense?
Me: Check.
Ash: More Candy and larger Candy XL chance?
Me: Check.
Goh: Picture popups and extra raids?
Me: Check - the latter should be of either kind of Wooper.
Ash: Cheaper trades and more Special Trades?
Me: Check.
Goh: Field tasks and paid tasks with Professor Willow?
Me: Check - the latter is called "A Muddy Buddy".
Ash: And stickers and special deals?
Me: Check. I think that's all of them.
Goh: OK, so how'd things go?
Ash: Our friend got me there with my World outfit, and I met up with all of your friends and caught a lot of Wooper.
Goh: Some of them had to be Shiny.
Ash: Yeah! I got two of the regular Johto one and five of the Paldea one.
Goh: Was there anything special that you did?
Ash: I grouped up with friends and decided on things to do. It was really fun, but there was a lot going on too.
Goh: And then there were the giveaways for Shiny Wooper. But of both kinds this time.
Ash: Yeah, just like last time. But again, I didn't win any.
Me: That's completely fine. I'm sure you evolved quite a few.
Ash: I did! The best ones and Shiny ones of both kinds so you can battle with them.
Goh: Who knows? They should be useful.
Ash: The Candy and Stardust should all really help.
Me: They should. And then there had to be the group picture.
![]() |
Ash: Here you go - and that's me just above the banner. |
Goh: That's a great group.
Pikachu: Pika pika! ["Very good!"]
Me: That's excellent. There was no mud today, but still a lot of togetherness.
Goh: Like a pool party without the pool.
Me: That's a bit of a stretch, but at least the Wooper are pure and (relatively) clean.
Ash: Well, I tried not to dirty my hands too much.
Me: Anyhow, this has been another good day. The Wooper (and possibly the trails they leave behind) might just point the way for later endeavors... hopefully not (so) down and dirty.
One year ago: Pokémon Go Community Day Classic, 11/5/2022
Two years ago: The Structure of Factions
Three years ago: Spending Afternoons with Eevee(lutions)
Four years ago: Where My Voice Gets Heard
Five years ago: Dexterity, Pokémon Games, and Me
Six years ago: Team Harmony
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