Thursday, November 23, 2023

Celebrating Togetherness

Today is the fourth Thursday in November, which means it's Thanksgiving in the United States. Today is also November 23, which the Japanese take as their Thanksgiving, and it all comes back to when I brought it up six years ago (see below). It's a point of confluence that two cultures have and could be taken as a spot of happiness, certainly to celebrate - more on this soon enough, especially given the title of this post. As for Pokémon (Trainers) making a confluence on this point, there may not be much, but the sentiments of six years ago are still perfectly applicable even today.

Admittedly, there is another point of confluence for this year's edition. For reasons that will soon be evident, I won't be able to touch on a certain anniversary that will take place in two days yet I've touched on in years past (this was last year's). However, today is the 23rd, and that anniversary is also of the 23rd - that is, in years. Therefore, it makes perfect sense on this special day to touch on it and specifically the selected theme for it, which would be in the title of this post. That also becomes the "insertion point" for Pokémon.

The theme, of course, is in the same vein as last year and two years ago, what with the word "together" and all. I've written much about the "together" aspect of the theme in past years, so those sentiments are also ones that continue to apply. That means the "celebrate" aspect becomes more relevant at present... which brings things back to Thanksgiving, though it seems a given that the holiday and anniversary celebration will always occur at nearly the same time given their rather specific scheduling.

As for Pokémon particulars, the occasions to celebrate together are the most joyous ones, for example a great victory (ahem) by a Trainer and their team of Pokémon. Different Pokémon can celebrate together too if they share a purpose, like "guilds" of them in Mystery Dungeon. The point is that it's not above and beyond for them to celebrate together - but the occasions are surely different from common people occasions that demand celebrations.

Still, with the way that the TV channel is, if it were to exist in the world of Pokémon, it would be to broadcast stories like the ones I've mentioned above for the good of the world. Then that would be all the more reason to celebrate together, for both people and Pokémon alike. Evidently, amidst all the issues of the world and the local area, the "togetherness" aspect is what the channel tries to promote, which should be good in terms of Pokémon as well.

Sometimes it's important to remember that one has to be grateful in this world, and thus Thanksgiving serves its purpose. It's also important to remember that one is not alone in the world - Pokémon or otherwise - and this shared life and all its great moments for the good are worth celebrating, whether on or off the TV screen. 

In any case, I would like to confer a Happy Thanksgiving for those who celebrate and a happy anniversary for the TV channel. Some good celebrations may just need to occur together.

Three years ago: The Kanto Cup of GBL
Five years ago: The Amazing Pokémon Race
Six years ago: Thankfulness

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