Saturday, November 11, 2023

Cosplay: Bocchi Noizu First Anniversary

Ash: Oh hey, it's Bocchi Noizu again!

Me: Yes, and you probably will be able to tell what you're in for.

Goh: Oh, so the community is only a year old?

Me: Yeah - you know, I'm just surprised as you are. But then, fans have developed in various ways, just like the ways I send Ash.

Ash: But we love everyone! Right, Pikachu?

Pikachu: Pika! ["Yeah!"]

Me: So, that's something we should take advantage of.

Goh: OK, so this sounds special - I'm sure it is for Ash too.

Ash: You bet! I'm singing and judging the character parade today.

Me: The second time this year! Ain't that grand? That is, of course, your special assignment for today.

Ash: So you want me to sing "Boku no Best Friend e" again.

Me: I thought we'd take this opportunity to practice and experiment with it, given how it's been dodgy for us. And speaking of experiments, the other song I want you to perform...

Ash: Hey, it's an idol song!

Me: And it's perhaps the most popular one at that. The singers may have some Pokémon involvement... but we'll take care of that sometime else.

Goh: You sure that's OK with Ash?

Me: Well, some people consider either or both of us an idol, so I guess it works... kind of.

Goh: If you think about it, I guess maybe it does. But anyway, how'd things go?

Ash: I got to the place in the afternoon, and it was really different.

Me: Oh yes, this was going to be in a mall, but they wanted to hold other events, so the place changed.

Ash: It was a cafe! But I liked that. There wasn't a lot of people for a couple of hours.

Goh: So when did you sing?

Ash: Just after it started, and I sang both songs in a row. I almost didn't have Pikachu with me for the first song...

Pikachu: Pika chu!! [*ZAP!*]

Ash: Ow! Sorry about that. But it was fine after that. And we did get to experiment, and I think we got some things to add for the next time for that. I won't forget next time!

Pikachu: Pika. ["Can't wait."]

Goh: The second one, the idol song, must have been a hoot.

Ash: It was! For a few people at the beginning. After that, it was kind of normal.

Goh: I wonder what would happen if there were lots more people who saw you sing.

Ash: Maybe it could be like that one time the straw hat character came up?

Me: I have reason to believe. How about the sequence of events overall?

Ash: After a friend and I performed, the community had a few games that looked real fun! But I just wanted to focus on the judging.

Goh: I'd think you would. That must have taken some time after that.

Ash: It did. The character parade finally happened in the evening, and there were few characters like last time - 10 this time.

Goh: That's a downer. But you did choose some great ones, right?

Ash: Sure! I thought the top three were really great. The favorite ones were just OK, but they were the "best of the rest".

Me: I have to say that it's a bit of a shame that not many got to be able to be evaluated by you like that one time way back. But it is what it is.

Ash: It's all for us! As always, I got something too.

Pikachu: Pi pika pika. ["Something good."]

Me: Thanks so much. This is (was) partly the point of it all.

Goh: Anything else we should know about?

Ash: They had giveaways and a sing-along at the end.

Me: That's not that bad. That should have made it a good day.

Ash: Yeah, it was pretty much just a party.

Goh: Wasn't it? It was after all their anniversary celebration.

Me: And a party is just the thing. Speaking of which, you had a little something else to do - to "party up" from there with a few faraway friends to take on Mega Garchomp. How was that?

Ash: We did great! But I also wish I was actually with them...

Me: I kind of do too, and I slightly regret that. But then I don't regret sending you to judge, because that's an even greater honor.

Goh: At least both of them got taken care of.

Me: That's very true. So let's keep our spirits up no matter what happens.

Ash: Right!

Pikachu: Pika pika. ["So true."]

Me: The next thing may just be around the corner.

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