Friday, November 17, 2023

End of Main Orders for Café Remix

I had earlier discussed a new facet of Café Remix earlier this month, the strategy-based Slow Cooking. I also mentioned the reason for its introduction, which was because of reasons of maturity and new possibilities. Yet that's actually not the whole story, for I held back on the other parts that make up that story. This time, I'd like to explain those other parts, and as can be discerned by the title of this post, it involves a culmination of sorts.

That culmination is for the main orders (puzzle stages), which has been set to end at #2400, meaning that no new ones will be added after that number. Presently, the number of main orders has reached #2350, and since they are added in batches of 25, there will only be two more batches before they reach that number, at which point their addition will stop. This effectively covers the maturity reason, as there is now a point that limits their addition.

But of course, the game itself will continue to persist in other ways, and that covers the "new possibilities" reason. That also ties back into the Slow Cooking format, which will be the way that new move-based puzzles (orders) will be introduced. This has the added benefit of allowing anyone to play those puzzles, no matter where they are in the main order progression, and that's at least a bit of equality after several years of the game.

Still, the end of main orders does mean that eventually, the requirement of completing certain numbers of them to join a team will become irrelevant as more and more players get close to its end. At that point, the one that may be most relevant is having completed all of them (or at the least a good majority of them), just as a way of ensuring that prospective team members are all caught up before taking on the dedication that is the team itself.

With the end of main orders approaching, there are also less chances of encountering Shiny Pokémon through them... although on the flip side, there hasn't been any of these "encounter" events in a good long while. That also means not being able to use Heaping Helping Tickets on them as expected, and they too seem to be about to become irrelevant as well. For that matter, it seems that some other things in the game may have become either irrelevant or MIA, but that's another post.

At any rate, the capping of main orders in Café Remix does not mean their demise; they're still key to players who are starting out. But for longer-term players like me, it does seem that their relevance is fading away and they have matured, so it's logical to cap them and move on to other, newer opportunities like Slow Cooking. They still represent a good run of what makes Café Remix what it is, and they will still be so, at least until a player manages to complete all of them.

Two years ago: Loyalty
Five years ago: PikaPool

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