Saturday, November 18, 2023

Focus and Control: Two Keys to Pokémon Power

I'm as fascinated about the wondrous mechanisms of Pokémon (species) as I am about their technical mechanisms. Recently, it came to my attention that for the powers that those species possess, they need to be able to harness them to make the best use of them. And in doing so, as demonstrated by a "mentor" (for lack of a better description), they need to get a handle on two important aspects, the keys to their power. As can be discerned by the title, those aspects are focus and control.

Focus is accordingly important, as that is what is needed for the species to be able to generate anything related to their power. This may take the form of electric sparks for Pokémon of the Electric type, or even frigid air (that then leads to the freezing of water) for those of the Ice type. Near-total focus is what allows a power to be realized - while still minding (focusing on) the environment, particularly during a battle - into the form that is required for the power to manifest as a move for attacking or advancing.

Control, meanwhile, is just as important, being required to keep the power in check. Continuing the examples above, it is what is needed to shape electric sparks into a current (for Thunderbolt and the like) or a ball (Electro Ball, obviously) or contain frigid air into movement (Icy Wind) or formation of special shapes (like Ice Shard). This also prevents those powers from being excessive and causing detriment to the Pokémon or the surrounding environment; they only need to deal with what is sufficient.

Now, I have to address the "mentor" that I brought up earlier. It's a little bit of an irony that the "mentor" is who the person is, especially given that to explain the concept of these aspects, the "mentor" does so in totally unspecific and non-descript terms. Yet that "mentor" could be described to have gained an understanding of the conceptual elements of the very aspects that are being described, to the point that the "mentor" has gained success with them. Most fans will recognize this by now, in fact.

Regardless, Pokémon species will remain a wonder to the fans for the amazing things they can do, and that starts with the inherent powers contained within them. To harness them, it seems to take a great deal of restraint for generation (focus) and formation (control) so they can do what they need to do, on and off the battlefield. Beyond the technical aspects as is often presented, these wondrous aspects just make Pokémon what they are, and that ought to preserve the fascination among fans like me.

Three years ago: Pokémon "Genealogy"
Four years ago: Drafts Piling Up
Five years ago: Trough of Disillusionment

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