Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Cosplay: District 18 Halloween & Cosplay Party

Goh: A Halloween party? Wow!

Me: Yup, you'd better believe it. An actual Halloween party, on the day (night) of, and within reachable distance of where I am. So it stands to reason that I had to send Ash there.

Goh: Well, now I understand what you were going for yesterday.

Ash: You know, I think this was the first time you sent me to something like this where you are.

Me: I'm pretty sure as well, certainly since the first time I could send you to places. And way back when I was somewhere else, I couldn't get to do that even if there was one. So... it's pretty special.

Ash: Pikachu and I think it's awesome you finally get to do it. 

Pikachu: Pika chu! ["Sure do!"]

Me: Thanks. Also, I do have to say that sending you here served two things: one is that it was kind of to repay the favor of a friend, who also had a Halloween thing - but I can't say much more, other than Ash also needing his Kanto/Johto outfit for this one.

Goh: That's fine. We don't need to know either.

Me: The second is that the people who organized this also organized a festival event last Sunday... but I didn't send you there because I had to send you elsewhere.

Ash: Really? But yeah, our other friend went all out on the one you sent me to, so not a big deal.

Me: I agree. So this was kind of to make up for that. All right, enough of the background. What happened there?

Ash: You sent me to a coffee shop!

Goh: That's why you had a hard time catching Yamask.

Ash: Yeah, it wasn't that big, so there wasn't much room - and the Yamask were few.

Me: Hmm, so you were really unlucky. If there had been more, you wouldn't have needed to use up the Pinap Berries. But that's fine.

Goh: So, the party was in the evening, right? 

Ash: Yeah! It started at 7 PM, but it needed a bit more time to get going - for the character parade, and I was the first one up.

Goh: You weren't nervous? 

Ash: A little, but I got over it real quick. I just had fun afterwards. I guess Pikachu helped too.

Pikachu: Pi pika chu. ["I guess I did."]

Goh: So after the parade, there was...

Ash: A karaoke, but I didn't go up. I wanted to try the food for my friend. 

Me: Thanks - how'd that go?

Ash: I thought it was great. I finished it. And the karaoke was fun to listen to.

Goh: I imagine they didn't want to wait with the awarding.

Ash: No, they didn't - they did it right after karaoke.

Goh: And you got... 

Ash: A "favorite character" prize from the coffee shop, one of two.

Me: All right!

Pikachu: Pika! ["Nice!"]

Ash: It's not much, but it should help. Oh yeah, they had six main prizes, and one of them went to one of our friends that we talk about sometimes. He was a dragon tamer now.

Me: Um, OK, I guess. We might need to talk ourselves one of these days.

Ash: And that was it. The whole thing didn't go too late, not past 10 PM.

Me: Yeah, I was kind of not in the mood either. So that was a good thing.

Goh: What did you think of the party overall?

Ash: They did great! They had some spooky decorations, and that brought some spooky characters too - and they didn't need to be forced.

Me: See, things can happen if they want it to happen. I found out about this party literally the day before and got Ash signed up on a whim.

Goh: And he did great too.

Me: For sure. And this was a real first Halloween experience for us, even without trick-or-treating.

Ash: It was fine! I think the coffee shop did the trick-or-treating for us.

Pikachu: Pika pika chu. ["That might be it."]

Goh: I'm sure you'd like to deal with this again next year.

Me: Of course! If one comes up. At least we really can say that we had a Happy Halloween this year, with or without the "spooks".

Ash, Goh: Yeah! 

Three years ago: The Halloween Cup of GBL
Four years ago: Later, Psyduck
Five years ago: Hardcore (Dis)United
Six years ago: Duff Knows Pokémon

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