Monday, November 13, 2023

Finding a Diancie Amongst Carbink

For fans of Pokémon lore, it is known that Carbink and Diancie are related, as I had highlighted with a certain new feature of Pokémon Go. They're both Pokémon of the Fairy and Rock types that expectedly arise from processes (similarly to ones) that take place in the depths of the earth. But while one instance of the process leads to just a less ordinary rock (Carbink), another leads to the more extraordinary one (Diancie). It is a fascinating lore aspect that I have to discuss, even long after its relevant Pokémon Go season has come and gone.

The instances of the process that lead to the formation of ordinary rocks and extraordinary diamonds implies that they depend on certain, specific conditions for them to lead to either result, even though they take place practically similarly. That means that a lot of times they'll lead to one result (plain rocks as Carbink) instead of the other (shining diamonds as Diancie). This would also entail that either formation may depend on specific places, as it is known that one and not the other is found only at certain locations.

And that leads to the specific point I want to stress with this discussion. That point concerns their search and discovery, which would imply looking in different places around the earth and even certain depths. A lot of those places will surely result in just the discovery of Carbink, which would mean that the discovery of Diancie will be a far rarer occurrence. Yet it's the discovery of the latter that would have lots of significance, even though it can be possible to find Carbink of certain significance by way of their properties.

Perhaps the most important thing about the discovery is the gleam or shine that is obtained when one manages to find Diancie instead of Carbink. It would be the aspect that proves that a certain search was well worth it, by looking for it at just the right place and with the right effort. The aspect would also be foretelling of continuity, with the gleam or shine being able to last for what could possibly be the longest time. And when that time comes, with the Diancie amongst Carbink being found, it would be the time to really shine like a diamond.

Three years ago: The Spirit of Brothers
Six years ago: Cosplay Assistants

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