Monday, November 20, 2023

My Personal PvP Preferences

It's been some time since I've discussed anything related to Pokémon Go PvP, and much of what I discussed earlier in my post about "the fire" (or lack of it) still continues to apply at present. Even so, there may still be a few things that I can discuss about this pioneering form of Pokémon battling. It is practically known by now that PvP can take a number of different formats, themes, cups, and so on and so forth, all of which may also depend on the organizer for the battles of concern. Among those varied formats, Trainers will likely be attracted to some of them more likely than others, and that's true for me as well; in other words, we all have our preferences for specific ones.

Of the three leagues from which all other formats and so on are derived, I'm preferential to the Great League format, certainly because of its relative simplicity. This line of reasoning is of course what the former Silph Arena adopted for its varying "specialty" formats, which were nearly wholly based on the Great League. Since there are three leagues, I of course have secondary and tertiary preferences, and they go up in complexity as the preferences progress - meaning that Ultra League is indeed my second preference and Master League is my third, and this is also supported by what I can power up on hand.

For the matter of "specialty" formats, I find that I enjoy those of the Go Battle League more than I do of community-organized formats as with the aforementioned former Silph Arena. Even though some formats between either venue do seem to blur the line, it seems that anything that Go Battle League decides to put into implementation is more straightforward than what the community can implement. But then that's also because community formats are what they are because of the development they're often put through.

Going one step further, I also prefer simpler "specialty" formats compared to more complex ones. Something like the Psychic Cup is my preference over something like the Arcana Cup and then further over something like Cliffhanger. While I'm expected to know these formats and occasionally deal with them, the fact remains that I'm gravitated to simplicity more than I do dealing with a bevy of restrictions like what the latter two (and others) have.

After all that's happened in Pokémon Go PvP over all these years, I'm regardless still entitled to discuss it, given my history and the fact that continued dealings with Pokémon Go still necessitates me to "touch base" with PvP in some way. While I've yet to rediscover my "fire" from before, discussing aspects like my preferences is just one way of doing that at present.

One year ago: Cosplay: ChibiCon 2022
Three years ago: BEMANI-Pokémon Connections
Five years ago: A Raid Group Gathering

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