Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Six Places, Six Types

The world of Pokémon has some pretty wonderful places for Pokémon to live in, and that's something that many fans like me would agree on. But then there also certain other wondrous places beyond this world that are as such unto themselves. Still, I can't help but imagine that at least some of those places could make a good home for Pokémon, if they were to spread their existence to those places. To that end, I've thought up of six of those places that might just be familiar to certain people, and the types of Pokémon that would feel at home there.

One of those places is an island somewhere in the remote sea that is packed with wondrous mechanisms, and I can think of Electric-type Pokémon that would be happy to make it their home - including Pikachu. The remoteness and mechanisms seems to just suit them. A different remote sea, meanwhile, has islands that comprise scattered rocky points, and the weather is a little more unstable there. This latter place is a watery wonder and would be well enough for Pokémon of that exact type (Water). Evidently, islands are a common theme as well for these and some of the other places to come.

A much different place would be one that is a shade of Fortree City, but on the remote sea. Though rather removed from the land, it seems plausible that some Pokémon of the Grass type would find a way to survive in that environment. Meanwhile, a different place could be construed to resemble the islands of Alola in a way, in part, and in miniature; even with that, Pokémon of the Flying type would seem to be mostly at home among these islands, also with the possibility of venturing just a little outside the vicinity. These places hark back to familiar places in the Pokémon world even though they are far removed.

For the last two places, they are likely of the strangest ones as far as Pokémon places are concerned. One is an island with a highly tumultuous physical history, and with that continued history, it seems to be a place where Pokémon of the Fire type can thrive even with all present challenges. The other is a cavern somewhere deep inside the depths of the ground, a place of high intensity to say the least. That high intensity seems to bode well for Pokémon of the Rock type, which ought to be rather suited to the environment. While it does seem like such a stretch for both places, the Pokémon might just still find their ways of survival there.

It seems not hard to think up of these places, especially if one is already familiar with them. What might be harder to think about, in particular for a Pokémon fan, is how Pokémon can stand to survive (let alone be present) in such places. Yet it might seem to just come naturally for all parties of concern, and the Pokémon will find their own ways of being able to exist and persist there... if they could. That seems to be a wonder, much like how these places themselves are wonders, even outside of the Pokémon world.

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