Saturday, November 4, 2023

Cosplay: ChibiCon x Ghosty's Comic

Ash: Wait! I thought we already had a ChibiCon this year.

Me: I did too. But, well... as you can see, things happen. 

Goh: You know what I think? They're trying to catch up. This is the third one since they started, and this year has a "3" in it.

Me: That would make sense, even though it is a little far out.

Ash: Well, I guess everything's happening again.

Pikachu: Pika chu pika. ["Once again."]

Me: As before, there are things that are the same and there are things that are different. For starters, the name of this edition is quite different.

Goh: It's... a collaboration? A crossover?

Me: Indeed. It's between the organizers (Japan Culture Daisuki, JCD) and a popular comic author and illustrator... and Ash has actually met that person, twice before.

Ash: I remember! Back at ICC... and a long time ago.

Me: Obviously you do. Even with that, the exhibitors should be largely similar to the last time, as well as the schedule - the two days of the weekend - and the venue.

Goh: Oh! But, um... Today is a Saturday, so you sent Ash on the first day.

Me: Yes - that was dictated more by necessity than it was for the sake of being different, but more on that later on. And obviously I can't organize for Ash to stay for the two days.

Goh: I guess that means the thing that you talked about last time is still off the table for now.

Me: Right, so we're not even going to discuss that, since the things from our discussion last time still apply. But you know what does apply? Today's competition.

Ash: The character parade! It's on Saturday like last time.

Me: Yeah, you got this. Since I've changed a part of your Unova outfit, you ought to try that and see how you fare.

Ash: I was one of around 40 on stage. But the four judges only chose one winner each... and I wasn't one of them.

Goh: That's a harsh lottery. How were the ones that won?

Ash: I thought they all looked interesting, so... I guess it's nice for them to win.

Goh: Yeah, so it's not your time. Maybe later on there might be something for you - and our friend, of course.

Pikachu: Pika pika chu pika. ["We can try again."]

Ash: Great! Next time it is.

Me: OK, so let's just call that a wrap on the competition. The rest of the convention should be a lot like it was from last time.

Goh: Including in the same place.

Ash: Yeah! The booths were all almost in the same places, but some of them were real different! You wanted me to find someone from last time who showed off something... and I couldn't find the person. Sorry about that.

Me: Well, at least we tried. I mean, didn't we expect that at least some things might be different - booths included?

Ash: But they were all great! I even got something for you to take a look from one of the booths that had Pokémon things.

Me: Oh! Well, thanks. I will do that. That should be nice. 

Goh: Since I asked about entertainment last time, I have to ask this time as well - how was that?

Ash: The entire day had just guest stars, a sponsor, and two bands. Nothing too special - but I liked the bands. Oh, and there was the karaoke group from other conventions.

Goh: I have intel, and apparently the second day tomorrow has the more special guests.

Me: Well, obviously Ash can't be there one way or another, so it can't be helped. Nice to know, though.

Goh: How was last time's "people problem"? Was it as much of a "problem" this time?

Ash: Not really - there was a lot less.

Me: I think that's because of the "Saturday effect", with there being fewer people who are truly free. As for tomorrow...

Goh: We won't get to see it, so we don't have to worry about it.

Me: That's why they put in a "ticket war" system anyhow to try to control it. Unless...

Goh: They have some tickets on the spot for today and tomorrow!

Ash: Oh yeah! I saw, some people were able to get that today.

Me: Hmm. Anyhow, that is their problem. What else should we know about for today?

Ash: I met two great people today!

Goh: Who?

Ash: On my left is Fajar.

Pikachu: Pika pika! ["Very nice!"]

Me: Awesome! That is indeed the author and illustrator of Ghosty's Comic. And now it's a lasting memory.
Ash: Then in the afternoon, I met another Pokémon fan! We spent some time together.

Me: Double awesome! So I guess we can say we got to do the same thing as last time, this time.

Goh: And this is the point of you sending Ash to places like this convention.

Me: Exactly! There could be (or may still be) a couple of slipups along the way, but that's what we still set out to do.

Ash: The organizers really did it too! At least on the first day. So, I guess it's not really chibi (little) for anyone any more.

Goh: It's a big "little" thing, for sure.

Pikachu: Pi pi pika. ["Chibi or not."]

Me: Tie it back with Pokémon for us, and there's never a "chibi" moment around here.

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