Sunday, November 19, 2023

Cosplay: Seishun! Japan Fest

Goh: As usual, a busy Sunday for you and Ash.

Me: Of course. Actually, today is "busy busy" for another reason, but let's discuss that later.

Ash: OK, as usual. But this one is... different?

Me: A little different, but a lot more of the same... I guess? That's because this festival is organized by the same people as Harusaki no Matsuri and Bunka no Tenkai... again.

Ash: Oh, I see now. But there has to be something different!

Me: Well, for starters, you're taking it easy today. The festival only has a character parade, so you don't have to deal with singing.

Ash: That's fine. We can deal with that!

Pikachu: Pika chu. ["That's OK."]

Goh: I guess we all need a break every so often.

Me: I'd agree with Goh, and besides, I'm also deep in something of my own, so this is practically all I can do for you - with your Unova outfit, to keep things simple.

Goh: Well, I guess we are keeping things simple. So how were things over there?

Ash: Hey - it's in the same place as Harusaki no Matsuri!

Me: It is, and that's one reason for sending you there. It's a memorable place for us.

Ash: But, well... I guess there was something different after all. It didn't look that crowded.

Goh: That's strange. These festivals usually seem to burst apart at the seams. 

Me: I have the answer for that, and this becomes the other reason - the "busy busy" part. There are actually two festival events where I am today, and they happen with similar schedules some distance apart, so it's not practical for me to send Ash to both - it's one or the other today.

Goh: Oh! Extremely logical. I'm guessing that the other festival must have taken away people from this one.

Ash: It's like what happened two months ago!

Goh: Yeah, it looks like you got the shorter end of the stick again.

Ash: But it wasn't totally empty. There were some more people in the afternoon, but not much.

Pikachu: Pika chu pika. ["Lots of room."]

Goh: Maybe you two were meant to take it easy after all.

Me: Goh, I think you do have a point. But we still need to know about how the character parade turned out.

Ash: I thought since there weren't a lot of people, not many characters were going to come - but I was wrong. There were 20 of them in the parade with me.

Goh: How many winners?

Ash: Seven - four best and three favorite. And... I didn't win any of them.

Goh: Well, you almost got away with it.

Ash: I did. I thought I did really good this time too. But a few of our friend's friends won something - even at the other festival, I heard.

Me: That's good for them. But I still wonder about us.

Goh: I'm sure if you two keep at it, something will come out.

Ash: I think that too. 

Pikachu: Pika pika. ["So do I."]

Me: Anyway, other than the people who came, it must have been just like Harusaki no Matsuri, but in miniature.

Ash: It was just like that! A few booths of communities and goodies inside, and food stands outside.

Goh: Entertainment too, I guess.

Ash: Bands and dance groups.

Goh: Typical. But they must have been festive.

Pikachu: Pika pika chu! ["They really were!"]

Ash: And it didn't go too late into the evening too! I got back to our friend just in time before we got really tired.

Me: That's a great thing indeed. By the way, this festival, I'm told, is to celebrate youth - hence the title.

Goh: What a great theme! It fits so well with us.

Ash: It really does, since we - at least Goh and I - are still young in a way.

Me: I'm not (anymore) as young as you two are, but I agree that it's a fun thing to celebrate on a busy Sunday, even in so many ways. It's a fine one.

Three years ago: Till Death Do Us Part
Four years ago: A Theme Event Dream
Five years ago: Fans of Fans
Six years ago: Cosplay: MINORI 5

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