Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Pokémon Monuments of Our Hearts

If there is something significant that I've noticed in my years of (re)playing Pokémon Go, it is that many places (that is, PokéStops) in the game are connected to monuments, both major and minor. While monuments highly pertain to their underlying system - here, the Waypoint system - I can't help but think that they are also pertinent for the Pokémon world itself, and furthermore, they appeal to the hearts of the people. It's a fascinating connection for all of those who are involved, and that's something to be explored.

For Trainers whose vision of success involves Ho-Oh - and there are such people, I can assure - the Brass Tower, which in the present context may be called the Burned Tower, and the Tin Tower are definitely symbolic monuments. These are, of course, the places where Ho-Oh comes (or came, in the past) to roost. It may then be safe to say that these structures are present in their hearts as monuments, just as the structures actually stand (or once stood). Their success would also stand as tall as these towers and even greater where Ho-Oh takes to the skies.

A different kind of tower would be the Lumiose Tower, which is certainly the heart of the city of the same name as well as practically of the Kalos region. It's also present symbolically in the renewed Mauville City to represent their spiritual "sister city" connections, which I've twice addressed in the past. Trainers for whom these two regions resonate in their hearts will surely consider them to be not only physical monuments but also spiritual ones for all that they stand in their respective regions and beyond.

Though per se not really considered monuments, the highest pinnacles of the Pokémon world - as the Pokémon League, Elite Four, and/or even the special case of Mt. Silver - could be considered special cases as such. And if they involve physical structures, they might be somewhat adorned just like any actual monument would be. If anything, they also might just be in the minds and hearts of Trainers as their ultimate goal, as much as any challenge that they might need to face before getting there. As such, it still makes some sense to consider them in this way.

Even if the aspect of monuments may or may not pertain too much to the Pokémon world and are more closely associated with the Pokémon Go ecosystem, wherever they are present, they were surely made with heart or are designed to "strike the heart". This might be considered to apply well wherever Pokémon Trainers operate, as they are still people who are present alongside those monuments - and they'll surely have the same hearts that embody the spirits of those monuments as they progress in life and Pokémon affairs.

Two years ago: Pokémon Cafe Delights
Three years ago: Cosplay: The Bros Contest

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