Monday, September 2, 2024

Pokémon Go Community Day, 8/31/2024

Me: Now it's time to pick up where I - or more appropriately, we - left off.

Goh: Oh, there was a Community Day last Saturday.

Ash: It was kind of strange, wasn't it?

Pikachu: Pika chu? ["Strange, no?"]

Me: You could say that. This was the first ever regular edition Community Day that was scheduled smack-dab on the last day of the season since they began to be reckoned... and you can tell that had to come first.

Ash: And you also sent me!

Me: Sure. It was part of the deal for something else on that day and the next... but we'll deal with that tomorrow.

Goh: OK, so on that day we had...

Me: Popplio - the Water-type starter from Alola. 

Ash: Oh, it's Lana's Pokémon!

Me: Yeah, you know. So you had your Alola outfit for the occasion and the one next day as well.

Goh: Water-type starter... Oh yes, that must have meant Hydro Cannon for Primarina.

Ash: You bet!

Goh: What were the bonuses? 

Ash: Triple XP for catching was the big one.

Me: Of course. I could always use it at the moment. Meanwhile, there should have been others, like...

Ash: Double Candy and Candy XL chance for catching.

Me: You surely got that.

Goh: Lure Modules and Incense had to be extended, surely.

Ash: Yeah. And I got a few photo bombs too.

Goh: Did you trade and make use of the discount and more Special Trades? They should have been around.

Ash: They were, and I didn't, but other friends of our friend did. I saw the Brionne raids, but I didn't raid for them either.

Goh: How about showcases, item bundles, and stickers?

Ash: I had the chance to put one Popplio in a showcase, and our friend told me not to deal with the item bundles - right?

Me: I couldn't deal with them personally, but I'm sure they're useful for others. And I got a lot of the stickers over the past week, but you should have when you opened Gifts.

Ash: I did, in between spinning PokéStops for tasks.

Goh: Oh yeah, speaking of that, Professor Willow must have had a set of them.

Ash: Right, as always.

Goh: So that's the lot of them.

Pikachu: Pi pika pika. ["All here."]

Me: Let's move on to what actually happened.

Ash: Everyone had to shuffle around a bit since the usual place was a bit crowded.

Goh: That must have been a bit of a hassle.

Me: With or without Community Day, it unfortunately is, and this is the time of year for that.

Ash: But the late afternoon was OK - after that, everyone got a chance to wander around and catch lots of Popplio.

Goh: With at least a few that were Shiny, I bet.

Ash: I got eight - I think some of the others got more or less.

Goh: Our friend should have prepared you to evolve some, too.

Me: I did - I have a Buddy one for that purpose, which you should have.

Ash: Of course! I also evolved ones for battling and a Shiny one from a Special Trade.

Goh: That's a pretty good haul.

Ash: You know what else? One of the Shiny ones wasn't really good in stats... but it won a giveaway!

Goh: Wow!

Pikachu: Pi pi pika! ["How nice!"]

Me: I'm aware, though, that this particular giveaway has a lot of strings attached to it - but I'll try to help you out with that.

Goh: So... it's a giveaway that isn't?

Me: It's more like, well... let's just say for the good of everyone that it's complicated.

Ash: But the group photo wasn't... or maybe it was. I think the results came out a bit too dark.

Me: I'm having a hard time finding it, so you may be right on that one and my friends are not letting it out.

Goh: Hey, at least you won something.

Me: At least that happened. Anyway, on this day, I also sent you to deal with that little something else before and after, as I mentioned earlier.

Ash: Yeah! That's what we'll talk about tomorrow, right?

Me: Indeed.

Goh: Could it have something to do with "drama queens" - like some Primarina are?

Me: Hopefully not - but you know, you do understand something about them.

Ash: Primarina is always a real queen.

Me: And we hope that's the case, without drama. All the details, tomorrow.

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