Sunday, September 15, 2024

In Search of New Posting Styles

Besides searching for new Pokémon experiences and detailing them on this blog, I'm also searching for new ways to achieving the presentation of those details. Now, it's true that text can only go so far in presenting information - which is also why this blog has an accompanying YouTube channel - but that presentation of information can still be unique in some ways, even if not completely. To that end, I've decided to explore past and present posting styles in order to be able to search for ones that I can determine to use in the future.

The majority of posts on this blog are written in the prosaic style, and that's something that will continue to be present in some way. Sentences and paragraphs, as with many written works or creations, form the primary way I explain about Pokémon things and discuss the same related experiences. Even so, it could be of interest for me to vary up that structure a bit and not be tied to certain conventions I've long followed to make things much less "formalized", and reserve "formal"-sounding things for where they're really only necessary. This is a Pokémon blog after all, so the need to let loose is a useful one.

Of course, for those who have been with me for a time will recognize the "discussion" format that involves certain characters, some of which may be in cosplay form [the IC term being "send"]. That's a very different format that allows for lots of creativity and freedom.

Me: Plus, it lets me think about you two - even if I'm not sure you two do the same.

Goh: Well, I think we think about everyone.

Ash: Why not? Goh's got a point. 

Pikachu: Pika chu. ["Very true."]

Me: That's reasonable. We all have certain followers who are always interested in us.

Ash: You're one of them!

Goh: I believe Ash has the point now.

Ash: And as always, anything to help you out is something that helps us out too. 

Me: Can't be stressed enough. But it's certainly OK if I bring in other characters too.

Goh: Hey, you never know which Pokémon ones you'll meet, We're all for it.

Pikachu: Chu pika? ["Who knows?"]

Me: That's quite the possibility.

Continuing the discussion in a more standard format, I've also broken into poetry on one occasion, and though it could be difficult to repeat this, perhaps a really special circumstance might just be the prompt to do so once more. It may also be possible to include occasional poetic quips like the following:

Let's say something about Pokémon
As the journey goes on and on.

Whatever the case, this blog is just as much an outlet for creativity as much as formality, given my appreciation and involvement in Pokémon. How much of them can be reflected in my posts as well as the subsequent valuation that results may be another matter, but the usual methods of presentation should be able to contribute to that, as well as any new and novel methods that deserve to be included somehow.

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