Tuesday, September 10, 2024

High-Score Skip in Café Remix

Some time ago, Café Remix updated to put in what could arguably be considered a minor feature, but has some major implications. As I've mentioned at times, the play of this game tends to be intensive at times to the point that "grinding" may be required to great extents. The newly added feature may just be a way to alleviate some of that "grinding", particularly for certain prime events, which have become the norm in this game along with that "grind".

As can be discerned, the new feature is called "High-Score Skip", and it does what one expects it to do. By using the feature, one can skip play of an event stage (One-Minute Cooking, Slow Cooking) with the highest score obtained up to that point. The score also factors into what collectibles can be earned - including those from Cook and Collect - if the stage was actually played, and those collectibles are earned as well. It is obviously a boon for "grinding" efforts.

Yet there is a catch, as with many things. For each event, skips equal to one play can be made for free multiple times, but only once a day. Skips equal to five plays and ten plays can also be made, but both are limited in quantity, and moreover, they require payment - something that some players may be short of these days. Once the available skips have been made, like it or not, players will have to continue the "grinding" process as expected normally by actual play.

Initially, it was the free once-a-day skip that was implemented starting with a previous event, but now all of the above choices are available. Some players, possibly like me, may also have thought that the Skip Tickets implemented for Daily Training could be used for this purpose, given that some players now have burgeoning quantities of it, but this turned out not to be the case. The feature is thus simply its own initiative, albeit still tied to the prime events.

Now that the feature is fleshed out, I also want to discuss about "best practices". It is clear that the once-a-day skip should be made as late as possible early in an event when a high score is not yet definitively established, and then as early as possible later on when a high score is more or less affirmed. As for the other skips, that may depend on time and money one has, as well as how much effort can actually be put into playing with or without their use.

"Grinding" is an inevitable and always pertinent matter and effort for Café Remix these days with its prime events, but at least the new High-Score Skip feature eases some of that effort, even if there is a price to pay for using its more advanced iterations. Nevertheless, this seemingly small addition could and should mean great things for some players, one of those things being a partial freedom from "grinding" when circumstances can allow that to happen.

Three years ago: Wallpaper: Journeys Gap Ad
Four years ago: Multilingual Pokémon Go
Five years ago: Gym Tours

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