Thursday, September 12, 2024

No Lies... and Lies

And we lie, lie, lie
On a streetcar named desire 
Oh, we lie, lie, lie
For that sweet bird of youth
I could be great like Tennessee Williams
If I could only hear something
That sounds 
Like the truth
-- "Lies", Elton John 

Some years ago, I wrote a post that effectively became a call for and support of truism or honesty, especially on the Internet and for Pokémon matters. It remains a valid thing even today and now... yet it has to be admitted that to some extent, it's a bit idealized. It seems that the fact of the matter is that even in a world full of truism, some falsehoods - that is, lies - might still exist and need to exist, even for matters closer or farther to Pokémon. With that in mind, I've had to tap into a song by a familiar artist (to me) as a way to make sense of it all.

The song, yet another one from the same album as some other songs of the same artist I've brought up, mentions in its verses and pre-choruses many ways many people - including the singer - could possibly lie, while the chorus (quoted above) might be considered to explain the "rationale" and ideals for such lies. The lyrics suggest the universality of the process, which could be taken to mean its necessary existence as I've mentioned above. That of course also means possible ties to Pokémon, and there's at least one possible way.

It is known that people can make "white lies", a lie that is intended for benevolence rather than malice. In one episode of the Pokémon anime, this was the case as Ash and the others were helping out a Pokémon, one of the efforts being to craft a "white lie" for the Pokémon to be able to do what it needed to do. The Pokémon in question may or may not have realized the significance of the "white lie", but in any case, it seemed to be a necessary matter to get things going, thus affirming the presence and crafting of that lie.

Personally, I might have benefited from at least one "white lie" I needed to make in the past, as well as ones that I could have made, in order to not have a "black hole" in my heart and mind, and most importantly to assist in certain Pokémon matters. As well, it seems that there are or have been instances of "white lies" on this blog, and mostly unintended ones - or at least they started out that way. Only those who keep a really close eye on my blog will know how these "white lies" are manifested... and I intend to keep it that way.

At any rate, it seems there is a "hard wiring" for honesty somewhere within me, which is also why this topic is hard for me to discuss - although the song helps somewhat to put that into perspective. In the end, it seems like "salt, reconsidered", some lies are a necessary part of the chaos of life, even the parts concerned with Pokémon. What is not a lie is that I'm still attached to and fascinated by Pokémon, and that's a truism I'm only happy to promote through my Pokémon dealings and writings - even if a "lie" is needed to get things going.

Perhaps another part of the song says it all:

I lie about most everything...
But I'd never lie to you.

One year ago: A Win for the Ages

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